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People that need to pipe the f*ck down #1: Cut4Bieber.

Cut4Bieber is is the most disgusting ridiculous trend I have ever seen. 

I'm not talking about the people posting photos of ketchup on their wrists taking the piss out of this, that's actually pretty funny.

Dear Beliebers, you're stupid. I'll probably get hate for that but you know what how about you pipe the f*ck down!?

Cut for bieber is the new trend between beliebers. After the news of the famous pop star Justin Bieber smoking weed came out people went crazy. I believe it started with 9Gag making jokes and then people actually started to do this shiz. Little tweens everywhere have been getting their shiz all up on twitter posting pictures of themselves cutting their wrists saying 'Justin stop smoking weird or I won't stop cutting myself.' 


I can't even.

People are actually stupid enough to do this? Somebody had even died from this new trend. Cutting is not a joke guys, it's a serious mental problem. Get your stupid a*s off twitter.

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