The Real Tumblr Girl

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Picture this.

You're standing in a room with a girl. She's wearing denim undies and a purple bikini top with triangles on it. She's holding an iPhone 5 in her handing, making a peace sign with her hand and pouting at the camera of her iPhone. It turns out you're not actually in a room, you're on a beach. Her bleach blonde hair is blowing in beachy waves across her face as she snaps many different selfies of her self.

You think to yourself, oh my god she is so Tumblr. YOU'RE WRONG!

Now picture this. You are standing in a room, this time you are actually standing in a room. A room with the curtains drawn and the light off, the only illumination coming from a computer screen, shining bright on a girls face. The girl has tied her hair up in a high ponytail, well actually she did this a couple of days ago because she hasn't brushed her hair since she sat down to check her tumblr dash board, three days ago. She is sitting in the computer chair wearing a unicorn onesie, her eyes are bloodshot and she has big black bags under her eyes, and the make up she had put on three days ago left black skid marks across her face from all the crying she has done over her otp. 

You think to yourself, oh my god she's a mess she could never be tumblr. YOU'RE WRONG. She is 100% tumblr, she has given her heart and soul over to tumblr and she will never let go.

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