Lovey Dovey

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(Rainbow_memes, Once more, I love you so much. Thank you for the wonderful comments, you made my entire LIFE. I love you all! ~ The Author)
Chara walked down the hall, her hands locked together. She was thinking about the day Asriel and Frisk got married. How happy they were, already planning out what they would do with the kingdom and how to rule it. They forgot all about her and Sans. She shook off the thought and continued walking, passing her sister as she did. She was speaking with Asriel again. She sighed and walked out of the castle. She teleported herself to the lake, the one with the beautiful scene and the flower blossoms. She found Sans there as well, he seemed upset. She walked beside him sat down looking at him. He looked over and Chara smiled as a 'whats up?' Sans chuckled. "Just having things on my mind Princess." Chara giggled. "As am I Sans." Chara put her hand on top of Sans' hand and squeezed it softly. Sans let her, placing a kiss on her cheek. Chara smiled again and looked over to the water. She hated how her reflection came into view. Come to think of it, she's always hated herself for who she is. A long time ago, she wished to be like Frisk. Dispite her being the older sister, Frisk seemed to always get the love and affection she never got. Even from her parents. Chara and Sans sighed at the same time. "Hey Sans?" Chara said. Sans looked over to her. "Do you... Ever blame yourself for past things in your life?" She asked. She looked at him, the two locking eyes. Sans' eyes widened but went to a sad expression. "Yeah... I guess I do sometimes." Sans said. "Why do you ask?" Chara smiled and looked down at her hand squeezing Sans' hand. "Good to know I'm not alone in that department..." Chara said softly. If the skeletons expression could get any sadder, it would. He wrapped her arms around Chara and rested his chin on her head. Chara scoots closer to him on the verge of crying. "Listen to me. Alright?" Sans said. "Whatever is going on with you, you can always trust me to help with anything." Chara wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his neck. She was trying so hard not to cry, but it was getting harder and harder to not cry. "Let it all out Princess. No point in keeping it inside of ya. Trust me, it makes things worse." Sans softly spoke. Chara instantly started to cry, hugging Sans a bit tighter. Sans did the same, closing his eyes as he kissed on her head. He rubbed her back while Chara kept crying until she was done. "It's hard I know. But you've got this princess. Your strong, beautiful, and brave. And most importantly," Sans began, Chara stopped hugging him but still had her arms around him as she looked up at him, and Sans looked down deep into her red, gorgeous, extrodinary eyes. "Your kind and so much more. You've got this Princess." Sans finished. Chara's eyes widened but her face relaxed into a sad, yet happy face. A tear slipped down as she unexpectedly kissed the skeleton. Sans was surprised, but pretty soon, not even a second later, he kissed her back passionately. The two enjoyed their kiss like no one was watching. Like they were the only two people there. Well, they were, all that was there was some birds and squirrels. They parted finally and Sans smiled, wiping the tears away from Chara's face. He kissed her forehead, a blue blush spreading on his cheeks. Sans locked eyes with Chara again and he smiled gently. Chara did the same. "See?" Sans said. "I'm always here for you Chara." Chara chuckled. "I know that you big teddy bear." She teased, putting her hand on the side of his face. Sans put his hand over hers as he said "But I'm your teddy bear~" he teased back. Chara rolled her eyes and smiled a bit more. "Got that right." Chara said. They both decided they should go back to the castle, once they did, they were greeted by Asriel and Frisk, with very smug faces. Asriel rose his eyebrow up and down at Sans, while Frisk poked Chara on her arm, teasing her. Both of them were blushing madly. Sans was sulking, covering his face which was blue as a blueberry, and Chara was crossing her arms and looking down, her face red as a cherry. "Guys please stop.." Sans said. Asriel laughed a bit and patted Sans on his shoulder. "Just messing around Sans." Asriel said. Sans stopped sulking and covering his face, Chara stopped crossing her arms, looking down and everything, but both of them were still embarrassed as he//. Chara walked off with Sans, both of them still blushing harder than ever. They went to their rooms, and for the rest of the night, hid under the covers thinking about each other, blushing throughout the night.

(Special thanks to you guys for giving me motivation to do another chapter! Here, take a Chara x Sans pic! :D)

(Special thanks to you guys for giving me motivation to do another chapter! Here, take a Chara x Sans pic! :D)

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(See you later! <3 ~ The Author)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2021 ⏰

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