Mira's Diary

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  Mira is a 16-year-old girl from the Republic of Moldova. A year ago, she entered her desired college and now her parents have given her the news that she will have to give up her big dream.

“Dear diary
Today my parents gave me the news that we would move to England. I am so sad because I was struggling to get to my desired college, and it is hard for me to give up. I really don’t want to move, but I don’t know what I can do in this case.”

After few days, Mira took her heart in her teeth and decided to talk to her parents and start convincing them to stay in their country because her life is there. They didn’t understand why she want to stay in the country: the labour force is small, salaries are low, the education system is not good for her, and she would have a much better future in England. Mira locks herself in her room with tears in her eyes and open her diary to settle her thoughts.

“Dear diary
I cannot convince my parents to stay here. I do not understand why they think it is better for us to change country. I will lose everything like my friends and my big opportunity to follow my dream. They think I can follow my dream in England much better, because there are the best universities, and I would have better opportunities.”

In the next few weeks, Mira spends most of her time with friends, but when she gets home, she prefers to lock herself in her room and unload her emotions and feelings into her secret diary. It is extremely difficult for her to break away from everything and restart her life from zero. The flight is tomorrow. She closes her last bags with tears in her eyes and writes the last page of the diary in the house where she grew up, in her bedroom promising to return when she turns 18.

“Dear diary
This is my last night in my house. I cannot believe I have to do this, but I will be back in few years. More money will not make me happier.”

Now, Mira is in England she only stays in her new room and does not do anything. Now is the day of college enrolment and Mira and her mother go together in the city centre. She tries 2 different colleges, but she did not like anything. When she goes inside of third one, she feels better. She felt accepted and everyone was smiling and behaving nicely. Mira successfully enrol on an English and Maths course because she does not speak good English and couldn't get on to another
course. For the first time since he has been in England, she smiles and comes home happy to have met friendly people.

“Dear diary
Today I enrolled at college, and I am so happy because I meet new people and
they are so friendly! Tomorrow will be my first college day. I'm so scarred because I don’t speak English, but they said I will be fine because my teacher will teach me everything!”

Soon she made some friends and learned a lot, t's been a year since she left her country, and she returned to Moldova to visit her grandmother on summer holiday. Mira follows her dream and manages to transfer to a photography course and her dream will come true. Take everything as an opportunity, don't be disappointed by the changes and don't forget that you can do whatever you want. When you really want something, do your best to succeed, the power is in your hands!

I chose to write this story because I am sure many of you are in my situation and I thought it would help you to know that you are not alone and that nothing is impossible. Don't forget where you came from and work for your dreams regardless of the situation.

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