Chapter 20: Preparing for the ball

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*McKenna's Pov*

It was only four days until the day of the ball! I still couldn't believe that even after what Rue had been through she still wanted to come to the ball. I mean it would be the day of her natalem as well but still!

Since the day we had spoken about the ball we had been shopping for dresses and masks (it was a masquerade ball) and loads and I mean loads of make up-to-date Rue didn't really like doing make up but I said she would love the style I did for her.

Crya had tried to bring the mood down every time she saw Rue and would try to get Luno away from her. Sometimes I felt bad for her because she was so insecure but then I remember all the things she had said and done to me. Surprisingly, we had actually been best friends in lower school but now we're enemies, it was all because of a duelix match.

Duelix is basically when you sure someone with your powers and your guardian but these days guardians are not used as much because people don't bring them around with them anymore. Before people were so afraid of weakening their bond with their guardian that they brought them everywhere they went. But know guardians were like pets, you could bring them everywhere but you just leave them at home most of the time. Anyways back to duelix.

We had been put up against each other in year 8 (grade 9) and we would have to duel each other to win points for our house. Back then when we were friends we knew how competitive the other person was and we would be friends in school and everywhere but when it came to training for duelix we were enemies or rivals.

Then the day of the match came. We battled it out to the end and I won. She was mad obviously but she got over it. But when the boy she liked came up to congratulate me and not her she became fuming, even after I told her that nothing had happened she still hated me because from that day on he had say with me at break or in class and had tried to talk to me. I had eventually told him what was up and he had left me alone and told me he didn't like her that way. She thought it was my fault when I told her and she has hated me ever since.

I hated that we were not friends because of a guy but she wouldn't listen to reason. Then in came Luno and we were best friends. She thought it would be a great idea to become his girlfriend to get back at me but all that did was make her have to deal with me even more than before. I had known Luno since we were kids, same with Griffin but Crya only took notice to them when we had all grown up and matured.

The ball would be a way for me to get away from all royal business (for a bit anyways) and away from her. And to hang out with Rue. It was like hitting two birds with one stone, and I was thankful for getting to escape my problems. Even for one night.

*Griffin's Pov*

Luno and I had been putting up with duelix practice and royalty lessons and also putting up with Crya. She had been going on and on about either how cool it was that she would be going to the ball with Luno or at how annoying Rue was. This girl was far to obsessed with Rue. Even Luno was finally starting to see this and would try to get out of these types of conversations.

He even started avoiding Rue and hanging out with Crya even more to try and get her to leave him alone about her. I had tried telling him that this wasn't the way but he wouldn't listen to me and stopped hanging out with us all together because Rue was always with us.

*Luno's Pov*

Crya was becoming more and more insufferable. She would always complain about something or someone (Rue) it was never ending. And when I did try to her to stop she would say something along the lines of....

" you are trying to tell me you like her more than me? Your own girlfriend! How could you? We have been together for 4 years- since year 10- and you are telling me you like a girl you met on a mission a month ago more than me?! I didn't know you were so emotionless and selfish!"

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