It was Friday evening and Miranda got off from work. She came home showered and washed the day away.

Miranda put on jeans and one of Tucks school t-shirts. She curled her hair and put a little bit of make up on before walking out of the house.

When she arrived at Tuck's school. She parked on the gymnasium side and went in. Paying for her admission before walking in finding a seat.

Miranda sat on the first bleachers and she pulled her phone out waiting for the game to begin. Miranda looked up as Tucker and his wife came and sat behind her.

"Hey Miranda surprised to see you here." Tucker said.

"Hey and Well Mr. Jones as you know I am full of surprises." Miranda commented.

"Nice seeing you Donna." Miranda smiled waving at his wife before turning back to her phone.

Miranda looked over as she felt someone sit down beside her and she was shock to see Ben again. It has been a week since Sunday and they shared dinner. She took the chance to look at his outfit and what she saw made her clench her thighs in want. Ben was so fine and he always dressed nice. He thought like her to wear one of the school t-shirts but he had on tan cargo shorts paired with white air force ones and rayban shades that he took off and put into his pocket.

Miranda gave him a bright smile. "Hey." Miranda greeted.
"Hey." Ben smiled, he was honestly surprised. He didn't expect Miranda to be here but it made sense. This was an important game to see if they were going to the playoffs.

"Ben." Tucker said and Ben turned around saying "Tucker." It was how they greeted each other everytime they saw one another. Ben had no problems with the man but it seems like he always had it out for him.

It wasn't Ben's fault that he didn't see Miranda's work ethic and everything else she was fascinating and sexy. It wasn't his fault that he didn't have the patience to work with his wife and help her along the way until she got to a good point in her career. This part was almost the pot calling the kettle black because he gave up on her too but still he couldn't get mad that she chose a better man for her self and life and he sexed her better than anyone she was ever with and that's only because if you truly love someone whole heartedly then you would love and treat their body as such. The woman's body is her temple is he learned her body and what she specifically needed also he just loved to please her and he got please just from that.

Miranda doesn't speak on it but mentally Tucker messed her up and changed the way she was. Even with loving and caring for someone.

Ben thought also he is a part of the reason why she is doesn't have respect or knows how to be with a real man because of the issues with Tucker Jones.

"Hey Donna. " Ben waved before turning back to the floor as the players ran out of the locker room.

Miranda took pictures of Tuck at the line up and she smiled when he was gathering in the circle for the starting five.

The ball got tipped off and the opposing team got the ball. The parents watched as the other team dribbled down the court. Tuck was power forward and he was gaurding his man really good. She listened as Ben called out directions to Tuck. Coaching from the bench.

"Keep your gaurd up Tuck" Ben yelled out.

"Keep paying attention." Ben added.

Miranda watched as the player threw the ball to the player Tuck was guarding. "Ball open." Ben yelled as the ball flew still.

Tuck smack it and grabbed onto. Intercepting the ball and dribbling it down the court to his hoop. She watched as he shot from the 3 point line and it went in.

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