Flowing leaves cascade into the street. Its pitch black. I smell it. The sweet scent of blood. I follow it.
Normally, I would pounce at first site. But, I saw her. The first victim I've ever really looked at. She looked my way. Our eyes instantly met.
Her brown hair swayed down to her shoulders. She slumped as she walked away. I quickly followed. Her scent led the way.
I was brought to a beaten warehouse. The broken glass windows gleamed as I stopped standing right in front of it.
Suddenly, I see her again. It appeared as if she was a ghost. Her pale skin lit up as she looked down at me through the upper warehouse window. I stood unfazed. Staring up at her, our eyes met again. This time she spoke.
"Who are you and why are you following me", she weeped.
"Don't mind me. I might just be your guardian angel", I say flashing a fang her way. Or her worst nightmare, I say this to myself chuckling.
"Just leave please", she says her eyes pleading to me.
I walk away slowly, whistling along the way. Hopefully, we meet again.
How I became a vampire:
It all started in 10th grade. Me being socially awkward, I didn't have many friends. I stayed to myself. Usually, I let people assume things. Later, I found out the hard way.
She led me into an ally. Her voice low and complicated, got to me. I wanted to leave. She insisted that I didn't. Her eyes flared, sending chills down my spine. Fangs released from her mouth. Her breath deepened. I escape in fear.
Stopping in an empty, dormant house was my only mistake. She found me. Her lips met my neck. The once presented fangs, dug into my skin. The pain was unbearable. I could feel blood leaving me. She looked up hungrily and the last thing I remember was her smirk.
Who is "she"?