Part Two

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//AN okay so maybe it's been a while... But hey, I haven't had inspiration and since I just got from camping I'm thinking, what the hell. Why not? So here it is- FINALLY.





Whatever tumbles ur pingles ahaha//

Peeta's POV.

She looks at me for a moment, her face completely plastered over with confusion.

"I'm sorry?" she asks, her voice small.

I clear my throat, suddenly finding it very hard to speak, "Wi-will you marry me...?"

At first she just stares, looking as terrified as I feel. Eventually she begins to step forward, tears forming in her eyes, "I... I..." she begins, but never finishes as she runs back towards the victor village, myself still on one knee.

I stand up straight, not bothering to dust the soot and rubble off my clothes while I run after Katniss, her braid swinging in the wind.

"Katniss!" I yell after her, "Please! Stop!"

She never turns around...

Katniss' POV.

He can't do this to me... I think in dismay as I race across what's left of district 12 and into the Victor Village.

I just told him that I'm leaving and he proposes? That's unbelievably... Unbelievable. There's no other way to put it. Obviously after everything I've been through I wouldn't be the most happiest person around, so how could he possibly still want to marry me? Why would he want to put up with me for all eternity? By doing this, I'm doing not only myself or Peeta a huge favour, but everyone. It's clear what I have to do, and no one will stop me. Not even him.

"Katniss! Please! Stop!" I hear him yell, making me cringe with pain but I keep running until I make it up the steps of my mansion. I had enough time between Peeta and I to lock every door on the first floor (four doors) before he could reach them.

That's when I made it to the kitchen, Peeta outside the window, banging on it as hard as he could. His eyes were pleading with me to let him in, his voice blocked out by the thick glass, but I couldn't stop now. I was way past the stage of turning back.

I kneel on the ground and pick up the pills I had dropped that morning...

Peeta's POV.

I knew those pills too well.

"Katniss, NO!" I scream through the glass, banging on it as hard as I could. It was useless, the Capital's technology was much more advanced than I thought. "PLEASE! I'M BEGGING YOU!" tears start dropping down my cheeks as I look around for something- anything- to break this glass with.


Literally nothing.

I haven't felt so helpless and alone in my entire life.

Then suddenly, in the corner of my eye I see a sparkle- metal to be exact. A shovel! The one we had used to bury her little sister, Prim. I race for it, nudging it from the dirt and sprinting back to the window.

But I was too late.

'I'm sorry.' she mouths as she downs the dark pills, almost immediately falling to the ground.

"KATNISS, NO!!" I scream, hitting the window one, two, three times until it finally shatters. I clean the edges free of glass and slip through, running to the girl.

"KATNISS!!" I take her up into my arms, cradling her head. Her temperature is dropping rapidly and she's becoming paler by the second, "Katniss... No... WHY?!" I yell in pain, tears staining my shirt, "I love you, I love you..."

"Good bye, Peeta..." she weakly whispers as she exhales her last breath.

I let her slip through my fingers, and now she's gone... Forever.

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