8:48 PM Saturday June 26th

2 0 0

Dearest Reader,

I'm going to sleepaway camp tomorrow. I'll come back on Saturday or maybe Friday. I won't write tomorrow because I don't think I'll have a chance. Sorry.

I went to one of my favorite restaurants and had one of my favorite foods.

That was nice

We found a family of rabbits in our backyard.

I'm seeing things a lot more.

I seriously don't know why.

My mom cussed when we found the rabbits.

I told some jokes to my dad.

I watched more TikTok compilations on YouTube.

I played Minecraft with my brother.

We burned down a Pillager Tower.

Not much happened today.

So that's cool.



I better go.



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2021 ⏰

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