Chapter 1: The Meeting

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Now that we've been relocated, I no longer have to unhook myself from a stage because they put me in the parts and services since there's no where I could go, they did put hooks up in the corner of the room but, what's the point...I just sit myself down on the table so I don't have to waste my time...I hear a knock at the door. "Who's there...." I say, sadly. "It's me....Goldy.....We're having a meeting...." He says, in his calm voice. Oh, great, a meeting, I don't want to go......but, I have to....I hop of the table but slightly loose my balance. Ah, that's why they left the hooks, my left leg is locked up for sitting, I haven't left this room since they left us here and I've been sitting here the whole time. I quickly try to relax my leg and when I can finally move around properly, I walk out of the room and see everyone one stage. Freddy is the first to notice me, "(y/n), so you came." Everyone turn around and smile. "Hello, las." Foxy says as he helps me up on the stage. "How have you been" Bonnie says in a worrisome way. "I'm fine, I guess......" I say as I look away. Chica sighs, "What's this all about, Freddy?" Goldy teleports to my side, "Yeah, what is this about?" The Puppet walks out of nowhere, "It's about the relocation, and you." He says as he points at me. "What about me?" I say, as everyone's eyes are on me. "You've been in that room since we got here." Goldy say, a little worried. Freddy nods "Yeah, we've been here for a month and we've all gotten used to our new home.....Something bugging you....." I shake my head, "I've just been......thinking, that's all...." Of course that's a lie. What's been bugging me is Lily and her mother's spirit. She made a promises to Lily and if Lily can't see me......her spirit might leave me so she can be with her......and leave me in limbo forever........Freddy rises an eyebrow, "Do we have to repeat what happened back in the other pizzeria?" Goldy stands in front of me, "You better not....." Freddy and Goldy are having a death stare again. Bonnie clears his throat, "Well.....there's no need for that ummmm how about we just let her tell us when she wants to? Now, back to the problem at hand.......ummmmm......" Goldy and Freddy completely ignore him and I sigh and stand in between them, "Look, before you two rip off each other's throats, why don't we just go back what we were talking about." They both look away from each other, "Look, the las be right, we'll never be gettin' anything done if you two be trying to kill each other." Foxy stands next to me and puts a hand on my shoulder. Puppet steps in and says in a calm way, "Look, we're all here because, we're all worried about (y/n), not to watch you two fight." Freddy looks at me, "Look, I just don't like when anyone keeps secrets..." He hops off the stage and looks back at me, " should know this out of everyone..." as he left I put a hand on my neck. Of course I know, you tried to kill me for me to spit it out....


I walk back in the parts and services room and I look at the hooks. "Ugh......I have to hook myself up......." I walk up to the hooks, that are STILL taller then I am, and grab the hook for my hand and dangle off the floor. "Haha......just like the day we met." I look to see Goldy flouting there, with a smile on his face. "Here, let me help you out." He says as he picks me up and hooks me up......It's just like back then.......Goldy hooks my head up and stares at me. "Don't be sad, we still have each other." He says then he kisses me.



Goldy vanishes and my programming start to go into day time.

"Don't be sad, as long as we have each other, we'll be fine......."

See you in the next chapter :3

The Broken Puppet (Goldy series) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now