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after a while, clay grabs his shorts and throws it on, handing you his hoodie and shirts as well

he gets back in bed beside you, wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you close to him

your back against his chest, he buried his face into your neck, his breath tickling you

he places a soft kiss on your neck

"goodnight my love" he says softly

you fall asleep in his arms with ease, feeling his heartbeat

clay matches your breathing and falls asleep as well

the sunlight shining into his room the next morning, your eyes flutter open

your hand feeling around the bed to find clay, he wasnt there

"clay?" you call out softly, no answer

you get up from the bed, walking to the bathroom to freshen up

you look into the mirror, there were still a few smudges of mascara on your face

you smile thinking about last night

you wash your face getting all the stains off, you do everything else you need and leave clay's room

you look around for a bit before going down the stairs, the smell of breakfast greeting you

you try to stay quiet

but you werent quiet enough, clay turns to face the staircase

making eye contact with you, his eyes trailing down your body before making eye contact with you

"how'd you sleep beautiful?" he asks, his voice raspy, rough, but soft

"i slept amazing" you say walking behind him and wrapping your arms around him, burying your face into his neck

"you washed your mascara off?" he asks, you could hear the smirk on his face

"yeah" you say, your voice slightly muffled

"i liked those mascara stains though" he says softly laughing

you bite his back softly as a reply

he laughs

you stop biting and pull your face away from his back to see your bite

your eyes widen

yes, there was a bite print on his back but, there were other marks too

a lot of other marks

nail scratch marks

"oh shit" you say

"what?" he asks turning off the stove as he was done cooking breakfast

"follow me" you say grabbing your phone and his arm, dragging him to his room

"what are you doing" he laughs softly

"what i'll tell you in a bit" you say

"okay stand here and face towards me" you say stopping infront of the mirror

"okay" he says, he turned his back towards the mirror, wrapping his arms around your waist

you place one of your arms on his back and the other held your phone up to snap a photo

you take the photo and stare at it

the scratch marks

the way clay was looking down at you when you werent looking

this man had nothing but love in his eyes

the way he was looking at you in the picture, making you melt

"can i see" he asks eagerly

you nod and hand him the phone

he looks at the photo wide eyed

"oh wow thats-" he pauses

"amazing" he says kissing your forehead

"you did good damage huh" he says laughing

  "yeah i did" you say smiling, proud of the kiss marks, nail marks and the bite marks you placed on him

he picks you up, bringing you to the kitchen

"lets go eat" he says softly

you bury your face into his neck

kissing softly

he places you on the kitchen island, standing in between your thighs

he looks at you, into your eyes

his eyes full of love for you

you look into his eyes

"i've missed you so much" he says softly looking down, "i missed your presense, your voice, your laughter, all those years without you felt boring and dull" he says softly

"im so sorry i put you through all that" he says even softer

you look at him, your hand finding its way to his jaw, you lift his face so that he was looking at you

"clay, i've missed you too, i forgive you for everything" you say softly

he smiles

you smile and pull him into a kiss, a passionate kiss, filled with lots of feeling

you break away and rest your forehead against his

"i've never stopped loving you clay, not even when we stopped talking" you say softly

"i've never stopped loving you either y/n and i never will stop loving you, till death do us apart" he says softly

everything that happened had lead to this, you and clay being in each others arms, falling in love all over again

like when you were teenagers, but something was different, this time, you both knew what love felt like

you knew that you loved each other after all these years of being friends you both realised that you both were never just bestfriends or enemies

you were just two people, who were confused about their feelings not being able to express your feelings

you both were soulmates and didnt even realise

but youve finally found him
your other half

<3 u

𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 ✔ Where stories live. Discover now