39 - Movie

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The moonlight peeked over my shoulder and illuminated the square from of Liam's bedroom window. His blond head popped out from behind his curtains with his blue eyes widened at the sight of me balanced on his roof in my pajamas. He quickly shoved the material to the side as he worked to open the window.

A soft smile resided on my lips with an underlying concern of wondering why he called me at midnight in a panicked state. His voice sounded out of breath and filled with stress over the phone.

The tone in his voice proved something was wrong and only convinced me more to snatch the car keys without a second thought about changing into suitable clothes. I scaled the side of his house within a matter of minutes and scraped my legs against the wet shingles multiple times due to the lack of protection from my shorts.

The hybrid part of me knew a fall from this height would hardly cause any damage to my body, yet I still felt unnerved at the idea of testing the theory if I accidentally slipped.

Liam opened the window before he took a step to the side to allow me enough room to crawl inside. The shingles scraped across my knee once again as I shifted my balance and swung my left leg inside first.

"Do you need—"

"I got it," I reassured him in a low whisper.

My head ducked underneath the window before the rest of my body followed into his dimly lit bedroom. I hesitantly pressed all of my weight against the floor and regained a standing position.

"I would have came through the front door, but I didn't think it was a good idea with your parents sleeping," I whispered, slightly impressed by my ability to sneak into his bedroom in the middle of the night without being caught by his parents.

A light breeze wafted through the opened window behind me and forced the curtains to blow in the wind. I whirled around on the toes of my Vans shut the window before any more cool air could enter the room.

"Yeah," he halfheartedly mumbled.

A distant look shined visible on his face as he stared in the direction of his desk against the other wall. I followed his gaze and took notice of the cord for the printer detached from the wall. A frown tugged downward on my lips as an overwhelming amount of concern flooded through my body for my friend.

"Are you okay?" I asked, gingerly.


He whipped his head back around and nodded a little too enthusiastically. My eyebrows rose with doubt at the fake smile he tried to fool me with. His response seemed too automatic and instinctive to be considered genuine.

Liam nervously swallowed and lightly shook his head as his gaze dropped to the floor.

"No, sorry," he apologized, sighing.

"What's going on, Liam?" I asked in a gentle tone, scared of upsetting him any more.

He refused to meet my gaze as he inhaled deeply through his nose. He shifted on his feet, anxiously.

"I just— It's this whole Deadpool thing," Liam admitted in a small voice, almost as if he felt ashamed for feeling uneasy about the current situation. "I'm not used to all of this like you guys are. I'm on edge all the time and I can't sleep and then my printed started to go crazy—"

"Liam, Liam," I cut off his ranting with a slight wave of my hands. "Listen to me. You have every right to feel uneasy about everything going on. None of this is normal, but just because the rest of the pack has been doing this longer doesn't mean we are used to it."

"But you guys are always so calm and know what to do," he countered, frowning.

I sarcastically laughed.

Give Me Courage (Give Me Series #4)Where stories live. Discover now