five: strawberries

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Soobin's POV:

"I can bring him?... You're the best... Yeah, I will... Ok. Thank you so much... Ok, bye." I hung up the phone, shoving it into my pocket

"I wanna see appa." Jochan said from his spot on the couch, pouting a bit.

I sighed as I walked over to him, "He's not feeling too well. Promise when he's better, you can see him..." I replied, reaching out to ruffle his hair as I added, "And you get to come to work with me!"

Jochan's eyes lit up a bit more, smiling as he voiced out his excitement. I picked him up, beginning to make my way upstairs, "Let's go say, bye to appa and then we'll head out, ok?"

Jochan nodded as I opened the door to our bedroom. Yeonjun was asleep, his face pale and nose red with a stack of tissues in the trash can. There was also a tissue in his hand that he must've fallen asleep with, sighing as I whispered, "Yeonjunie?" Since he still had his hearing aids in.

He didn't move, still continuing to sleep on our bed. I didn't want to leave him like this, but I don't really have a choice. And earlier he said he would be alright, but I haven't seen him this sick in a long time. I pouted a bit, closing the door as I whispered, "We shouldn't bother him when he's sleeping. We'll see him when we get back."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Channie, we're here!" I said as I turned around, smiling a bit when I realized he fell asleep on the drive.

I got out of the car, grabbing my work bag and Jochan's little backpack. I slung both of them over my shoulder before going over to Jochan. I tried to be careful as I unbuckled his seatbelt, but I woke him up. He just whined, closing his eyes again as I picked him up. He wrapped his arms around my neck, instantly resting his head on my shoulder to fall asleep again. I sighed, rubbing his back as I began to walk inside.

I went straight to my desk, softly smiling at my coworkers I passed by on the way. I didn't want to bother my boss, knowing how nice of her it was to let me bring Channie to work today. I carefully took my bag and Channie's backpack off my shoulder, placing it next to my desk before sitting down. I still had to hold Jochan up with one arm, so I was trying my best to get my computer set up without waking him up.

I noticed my boss coming out of her office, and I tried to avoid her eyes. I knew I was late by a few minutes, and I don't know if she'll be mad at me from having Jochan here. It seemed like she was walking straight to my desk, so I looked up from my computer when it finally started up, making eye contact with her. I was relieved when she gave me a small smile, returning it as she whispered, "Good morning."

"Hi... I-I'm really sorry, my husband is really sick, and school is closed today—"

"Soobin-ssi..." She whispered, cutting me off, "I understand completely. No worries."

I took a little breath of relief, "Thank you. I'll make sure he's quiet."

"If you need a break, he can hang out in my office."

I smiled, "Thank you." I replied, before she walked passed me and towards one of my coworkers. I sighed to myself, knowing I'm probably going to have a long day ahead of me.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Jochan woke up a few hours ago, and he's actually been pretty good. I tried my best to explain to him that he needs to be quiet while we're here, and he's doing a good job of being quiet while he plays with his trucks. He was rolling them back and forth on the floor, mumbling something to himself. He was probably making up some scenario in his head as he played, and it was honestly the cutest thing ever.

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