eight: peace

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Soobin's POV:

I woke up from someone pulling on my shirt, whining a bit since I thought it was Yeonjun moving around in his sleep. When I heard a soft voice call out, "Daddy?" I scrunched my eyebrows.

I saw Yeonjun peacefully sleeping on the other side of the bed, turning to my left to see our bedroom door open and Jochan at the edge of the bed. I sat up, rubbing my eyes from the light coming in from the hallway, "You ok, Channie?"

He was hugging his teddy bear, replying, "I had an accident."

He pouted a little, and the last thing I needed was for him to start crying, "It's ok..." I said, pulling the covers off me. I was cautious as I stood up, not wanting to wake up Yeonjun, "Let's let appa sleep, hmm?" I added, standing up and holding Jochan's hand as we walked out of our bedroom. I closed the door behind me so Yeonjun could sleep in peace.

We walked back to his room, seeing his blanket moved to the side with a stain in the middle of his sheets. I pursed my lips and looked down at him, seeing his pajamas all wet as well, "Umm... Let's have bath time, ok?"

He pouted, "I just had bath time."

"I know, but you need another one now."

"But I don't wanna."

I sighed, bringing a hand up to rub my eyes, "I promise, it'll be quick, ok?"

He hesitated before he nodded, and I took a little breath of relief that I didn't have to fight him on it any longer.

As a parent, Yeonjun and I have learned that we need to pick our battles. Like, we're going to stop him from having ice cream before dinner or for dessert every night... but we don't care nearly as much if he wants to pick out his own clothes to wear. Jochan is in this stage where he wants to have a say in everything and he's a little picky, and trust me, temper tantrums aren't fun at all. So, for little things, we just let him do what he wants. And taking a bath right now was something I wasn't about to let him choose.

I reached out and ruffled his hair a little, "I think appa washed your soccer pajamas."

He instantly smiled, "I want those!"

I smiled as well. Once again, choose your battles, "I'll get them and then we can have bath time."

I walked over to his dresser, hoping on everything that those pajamas were in there. I smiled when I opened the drawer, saying a small 'thank you' to Yeonjun that he washed them. They're Channie's favorite, so he basically lives in them. We usually have to convince him to wear different pajamas for one night so Junie can wash them.

I turned around with the pajamas in my hand, letting Jochan hold onto my other hand as I walked him to the bathroom. I flipped the water on quickly, making sure it was warm before it started to fill up the bathtub. I helped him take his wet clothes off as the water filled up, putting him in once it was full. I instantly grabbed the soap, not needing to wash his hair. As soon as Jochan grabbed his rubber duck and I started cleaning him up, I heard a raspy voice from behind me, "Soob?"

I spun my head around, seeing Yeonjun rubbing his eyes in the doorframe. Jochan spoke before I could, "Hi, appa!" He said, smiling and frantically waving.

Yeonjun smiled back, squinting a little when he took his hand away. I guess he was still getting used to the light, "Hey, Channie. What's going on?"

"Just a little accident." I replied, and Yeonjun instantly nodded.

He stepped closer to me, leaning down to kiss my cheek, "I'll put his sheets in the wash and get new ones."

He was about to walk away, but I stopped him, "Wait— His pajamas too." I quickly said, gesturing to his dirty clothes on the floor.

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