eleven: together

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*A/N: I made Jochan high school age in this one*

Yeonjun's POV:

"Appa, I'm sorry—"

"Nope..." I quickly cut Jochan off, bringing my hand up to make him stop talking. He was quick to stop, and I added, "You don't have to explain."

"I should've told you guys. I'm sorry..." He replied, seeing his eyes gloss over in an instant, "I-I was just scared and really confused a-and I didn't know how to tell you."

"It's ok..." I said, moving closer to him, "I'm not mad, I promise. Just talk to us when you feel comfortable, alright? No rush."

He sniffled, looking like he was about to burst into tears at any second. He suddenly hugged me without much warning, almost falling backwards a little from the force. I was quick to wrap my arms around him too, just wanting to make sure he was alright.

It just made me hold onto him tighter, rubbing his back as I said, "Dad and I are always here for you."

12 hours earlier...

"Channie, are you ready for your big swim meet today?" Soobin asked while we ate breakfast, giving him the big bunny smile he always gives.

"Yeah." He simply replied, barely even looking up from his food.

He's been so distant lately, and Soobin and I don't know what it is. We've asked him about it multiple times, but every time he seems to get farther away from us.

"Umm... W-Well, we're still gonna go out for dinner after you win, right?" I asked, trying to keep the conversation going.

He still didn't pick his head up, "I'm not gonna win."

"Don't say that! I know you're gonna do great!" Soobin replied, trying just as hard as me to actually keep a conversation going.

He kept eating, "It's not a big deal..." His phone suddenly buzzed, and he was quick to pick it up. I saw the little smile on his face for a split second before it went away, like he was trying to hide it. He stood up as he was texting, "Ben's outside. I gotta go."

I furrowed my eyebrows as I watched him grab his backpack, "Again? I usually drive you to school."

"I'll walk with Ben. You're off the hook, appa..." He still didn't look up at us as he walked to the door, "See you guys later."

"Love you! Have a nice—" Soobin started, but was cut off when Jochan just walked out the door without letting him finish. He sighed, quietly finishing his sentence, "Day at school."

I sighed as well, leaning back in my chair as I mumbled, "I like driving him to school."

It was quiet for a few moments before Soobin said, "Please, tell me we aren't terrible parents."

I looked over at him, watching as he frustratingly rubbed his face. I was just as frustrated and upset as he was, but I still replied, "We aren't, Binnie. He's a teenager; isn't this what they do?"

He moved his hands away from his face, looking at me as he asked, "Can we talk to him again tonight?..." I pursed my lips and he pleaded with me, "Please? I feel like there's actually something going on with him. Whenever we mention dinner, he would always say that he wants sushi if he wins. A-And he didn't even look up from his food the whole time. He wasn't like this four months ago."

I put my elbow on the table and then rested my head in my hand, "I don't know, Binnie. He was all defensive about it last time. I don't want him to shut us out more."

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