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Hello readers of this book,

I decided that I wanted to write a chris evans fanfic, like this one. But don't worry I'm still writing this one, I'm kinda planning on where exactly I want everything to go before posting more of it. But at the same time I started writing the Chris Evans fic.

Now I'm writing this authors note to ask if anyone would read it, and if you guys would want me to start posting it now, or wait till I have this book mostly finished.

I already know that this one will be significantly longer than that one, and I only have 11 chapters of it written. But if I wait till i have this one finished, I'll also have that finished before I post it. So should I start posting it now and continue posting as I write is like I am this book. Or wait till this one is finished and post it all at once?

I honestly can't decide which one, but I already know going at the rate I am with the Chris Evans book, I'll have it done in the next week, as I started it today 😂 (or we'll technically yesterday as it's past midnight now).

Please let me know what you guys would prefer. As either way is ok with me, I just can't decide which is a better idea.

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