33: rising conflict

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"All right, what do you see?" Steve speaks through the earpiece.

We sat at a round table but with a good distance from each other while under the heat, only a black cap and sunglasses to cool me off. Holding up a cup of coffee to add to my cover, I scan the area to free any suspicious activity. Wanda was positioned a few feet across from me and i await her answer to his quiz.

She glanced around, faking a sip from her cup, "Standard beat cops, small station, quiet street. It's a good target."

"There's an ATM down the street, which means..."


"Right, and both cross streets are one way. Compromised escape routes. Means our guys doesn't care about making a mess. You see that Range Rover halfway up to block?"

Wanda subtly looks over her shoulder, "The red one? It's cute."

I take this opportunity to test my knowledge too, "It's bulletproof. Private security, which means they're probably stored with guns, and which means more headaches for somebody to handle."

"Probably us." Nat comments, sitting on the opposite side of me.

Wanda senses our worry, "You guys do know I can move things with my mind, right?"

"Looking over your shoulder needs to become second nature." The red-head lectures. Through the lenses, we dressed neutrally. Enough to keep us hidden and unsuspicious. Though somehow Nat always had the nature of style even in casual clothing.

"I do admire your look Nat. Though not so much of you being a little paranoid." I tease her in an even tone.

"Not to my face." She kids along, "Why? Did you hear something?"

Steve interrupts our little side conversation, "Eyes on target folks. This is the best lead we've had on Rumlow for six months. We don't want to lose him.

"If he sees us coming that won't be a problem. He kind of hates us. Not little Maximoff, though." Sam joins in. Steve orders Sam to tag a garbage truck suddenly pushing through the roads with no care.

"It's a battering ram." Nat points out. All of a sudden, we look at each other, realizing what it meant.

"Go now." Steve says. "He's not hitting the police."

On his cue, the four of us run towards the compound gate the truck charged through while Sam glided in the air. Wanda and I use our powers to take flight. Her using her glowing scarlet red from her hands while the ice cold frost releases from mine. Steve and Sam naturally takes out multiple hostiles, allowing time for Wanda to give Steve a boost inside the building for infectious diseases. When he successfully lands on the third floor, just like they'd practice, Wanda turns to me in question.

"What about the gas?" She asks. I take a look at the cement structure's situation, spotting greenish gas slowly escaping through the broken windows. That meant there were still civilians in there being affected by it.

"Get it out." I order her. She does as I tell her with Sam and I protecting her from more hostiles firing from behind. The shards of ice released from my hands targets most of them directly at their necks. Killing them instantly. But the number kept adding up.

Thankfully, with a touch of Sam's finger on his wrist pad, the two armed trucks behind us explodes.

I place a finger by my ear, "Steve what's the status?"

"Rumlow has a biological weapon. Make sure he doesn't escape with it."

Right on time, Natasha appears with her signature black motorcycle, charging through more unfriendly soldiers and switching to combat. The rest of us come together and help her out as the mission now becomes us in search for Rumlow with the weapon. We take down and pass through multiple soldiers, but none of them acquired it.

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