34: sokovia accords

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Long chapter ahead :)

Btw. This chapter sums up most of the Sokovia Accords incident in Civil War. So, a lot of the dialogue is directly the same as the movie. Credits to Marvel. Don't worry though, there are new events leading up. ;)

'Tis gonna be a sad chapter for the Avengers :'(

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The entire crew gathered around the center table of the meeting room, nervously awaiting for Secretary Ross' initial dictation. Anything to come out of his mouth, really. His facial expression revealed no more than to be disappointed and stern. Like a parent setting ground rules for their children, except he was no where near to a kind one.

With hands behind his back, he walks towards the front of the room, implementing his superiority, "The world owes the Avengers an unpayable debt." He initiates, "You have fought for us, protected us, risked your lives. But while a great many people see you as heroes, there are some... who would prefer the word 'vigilantes'."

"And what word would you use Mr. Secretary?" Nat asks, arms crossed on her chest.

"How about 'dangerous'?" He answers, sending the room to a tight silence. "What do you call a group of US-based, enhanced individuals who routinely ignore sovereign borders and inflict their will wherever they choose and who frankly, seem unconcerned about what they leave behind?"

Instead of waiting for any of us to respond, he switches on the tv screen behind him and displays video feeds of unspeakable tragedies as he speaks.

"New York."

The first clip shows the first war in 2012, way long before Bucky and I were discovered alive. It didn't show the original six fighting to defend earth, but it showed the Chitauri, the destruction it created and left behind. Smoke. Debris. Flames. The side none of us could fully see.

"Washington DC."

And then it cuts to my first ever mission. Where I first discovered Bucky's continuing existence. Where he saved me. I've always thought of it as a miraculous event all because of that reason, but now, watching the large helipad crash into the water as it flooded hundreds of innocent people, I felt deep regret.


Another traumatizing war showed on the screen. The worst one. All of us had taken inner damage because of it. Though, probably not as much as the citizens had. I glance at Wanda, who had it deeper than any of us in the team. She watches in silent torment, her eyes horror-struck while living over again how her home got destroyed.


Finally he reveals our latest affray. The explosion. The terrified screams. A girl's body, frozen on the hard floor and her surface covered in the mixes of dust and ash.

Wanda finally breaks contact and turns away, forcing Steve to stop the footage. "Okay, that's enough."

Ross does the minimum and turns it off, nodding to another staff present in the room. "You've operated with unlimited power and no supervision for the past four years. That's an arrangement the governments of the world can no longer tolerate, but I think we have a solution." With that, he takes out a stacked layer of documents embedded into one whole book. He first slides it towards to Wanda, the to Rhodey, and so forth.

When it gets to my sight, I read what it displayed on the front.

"The Sokovia Accords." Ross reads from my mind. "117 countries, approving that the Avengers shall no longer be a private organization. Instead, they will operate under the supervision of a United Nations panel, only when and if that panel deems it necessary."

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