09: shield & hydra

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"That thing's made out of the strongest metal on earth. You're lucky the shield didn't shatter your bone into pieces."

After the nurse who treated me left the room, it was only Steve and me who stayed behind. Agent Hill took Fury away and Natasha stormed out.

I massage my bandage-covered shoulder, "Yeah, I guess it is." I agree with him, "But what about you?"

He raises his brow, "Huh?"

"You're being awfully secretive."

"What do you mean?"

"I heard Natasha. You are a terrible liar." I continued, "What else did Fury tell you?"

He sighs and looks down on the ground, hands in his pockets, avoiding eye contact. "He told me not to trust anyone."

I raise a brow, "Is it because of what he said? That SHIELD is-"

He quickly places his hand over my mouth, "He said there are ears everywhere," he whispers, "You can't just talk to you about this out loud, we need to find out what's going on before they do. As far as I know, they're only suspecting me since they know I was the last one with him. So if you trust me, you'll help me out by staying out of this."

"But I'm already involved." I counter, "I was the one who chased that man down, remember? I could've stopped him."

"Yeah, that was a stupid thing to do. You could've been killed."

"But I didn't."

"I'm doing this for your protection, okay? You're the only family I have left."

"I know that, but you have to stop treating me like I'm so fragile and vulnerable. You're the one who asked Nat to help me, remember? I can protect myself now."

"I did." He doesn't deny. "Sure you got something to defend yourself, but it doesn't change the fact that you're still afraid of your own self. Even if you did chase after that shooter and finally used your abilities, you're not ready to do it alone."

The more he talked, the more I was being convinced. He always knows how to see through people. He's right, as always. "So what's your plan?"

"Can't tell you."

"Oh come on!" I groan out of frustration. I change my mind, I'm still not convinced enough. "I was there last night, I'm capable enough of at least going with you."

"And do what exactly?" he crosses his arms.

I shrug and try to think of something, "I don't know, be your... sidekick?" Every hero has a sidekick. It may not be a team, but at least a sidekick would do.

He shows a tiny hint of amusement as he tried to keep his stance, "A sidekick, really?"

"Yeah," I nod my head, "We could be like Captain America and the ice... maker..." It's not the best name I got for myself, but I'm sure it'll come to me at the right time. Almost everyone in the Avengers has some name for themselves that they go by. Like how Natasha is known as Black Widow or how Tony calls himself Iron Man. It'd be nice if I had something like that.

Suddenly, the door opens, revealing one of the STRIKE agents, Brock Rumlow. "Cap, they want you back at SHIELD."

Steve sighs as he stands up, "I'm sorry, but I have to go. Just stay here and rest."

"They want the both of you."

Both Steve and I's heads snap around in surprise, "What?"

"You heard right." Rumlow says, "Now let's go."

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