-{t h r e e}-

6 1 0

September 3, 1992


It had been two days since Beverly had invited Richie to meet her other friends. He has been dreading the last two days, though he has tried to prepare himself. He had talked with Bev the day after he had gotten the invite and he found out the party was for someone named Eddie Kaspbrak and Richie was told to "buy" a small present, "Like nail polish or something." Bev had told him. after Beverly said that he decided he would just buy it at the pharmacy on the way to meet everyone.

Richie had never been good at making friends so at one point he just stopped trying. Beverly was all he needed for a very long time but recently he decided he wanted to start trying again. A few months ago he tried to be friends with someone named Connor, and they hit it off but things went to hell real quick after Rich had confessed to him, "Fucking Bowers" Richie thought.

After a few hours, Bev rushed into his room screaming at him, "Get up fucker you're gonna be late!" she shouted running around his room throwing clothes at him, "Get dressed c'mon Rich hurry it up." she continued.

"Jesus Bev, calm your tits hun." Richie responded getting up to find clothes to wear, "I'm not wearing the fucking shirt you just threw at me, and I'm bringing my walkman whether you like it or not." he complained throwing on a pair of ripped black jeans, a sleeveless tank top with a Queen decal on it, and a pair of black converse. Beverly looked at Richie silently judging his outfit choices, "Enjoying the view from over there, babe?" Richie added sarcastically.

"Ugh, you look like a slob!" Beverly whined, "Look at this, There are fucking holes in your shirt." she pointed out sticking her painted fingernail through one of the holes. She watched as he added accessories to his outfit he added chains, many rings, and a necklace.

"Oh sweetie, you know you love the way I dress. You're just jealous." He joked Throwing a shirt and a wink her way.

"Shut up and get out Trashmouth"


Richie procrastinated leaving his house instead of rushing to the party. He made up impossible situations in his head thinking of what he'd do on the odd chance that they happened. After about an hour Richie shoved his walkman in his back pocket and left. On his way, he decided to stop at the pharmacy as he told himself he would.

When he entered the nail polish aisle he was overwhelmed with options looking at the rainbow of colors in front of him. He remembered seeing Eddie in the hallways at school their freshman year and looked back on it all the pastel colors the small boy wore, his freckles, his fanny pack, and the way he was such a fucking germaphobe. "Jeez, maybe he's the reason I could never focus in my classes." he thought. Richie decided on a nice pastel pink that reminded him of one of Eddie's fanny packs. He quickly shoved the nail polish into his pocket and looked around before walking out the door.

He began walking to the location of the party which he was told was at Bill Denbrough's house. About halfway there he began to get anxious again and thoughts began racing through his mind, "What if they all hate me? What if Eddie hates the color I bought? What if they believe all the rumors about me?" his thoughts are put to rest by a voice calling in the alleyway.

"Hey fag." the voice called. Richie looks down the alley recognizing the voice as the one and only Henry Bowers. Around Henry were his usual goons Belch, Patrick, and Victor, but one other person was there.

"Connor?" Richie responded to the voice.

"Don't talk to my cousin ever again you fucking bitch. He doesn't love you back." Henry spat approaching Richie slowly. Henry's friends followed and Richie watched as Connor stayed back sitting on the hood of Belch Huggin's blue Trans Am. His mind begins to wander as he thinks about what could've happened if Henry hadn't walked into him talking to Connor. All of a sudden a force to his stomach pulls him from his daydream.

"Fuck." Rich whispered under his breath. He felt another blow to his face and then felt the blood trickle from his nose. He tried to put his hand up to throw a punch but was restrained by Belch Huggins and Victor Criss. He looks over at Connor with pleading eyes and gets another punch to the face.

"Don't fucking look at him fag, again he doesn't fucking love you," Henry repeated. The two boys let go of Richie pushing him onto the ground kicking him right in the ribs. Richie feels the smarting in his ribs and winced at the pain. To try to stop the pain he pulled his knees to his chest to protect his stomach.

"Henry that's enough!" Connor called to Henry.

"What are you a fairy too? Do you care for the fucking Trashmouth Connor? Huh?"

"No, no. Henry it's not like that he was just my friend don't fucking kill him."

Henry and his goons back off of Richie getting in Belch's car and speeding off.
Richie pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose and begins to feel his pockets to make sure nothing is missing, he feels for the nail polish and realizes it is not there. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." he says under his breath looking around for it. He sees the pink under the alleyway dumpster. Quickly he grabs it and sees the leaking crack.

He walks the rest of the way to the party with the surging pain in his ribs and the cracked polish bottle in his hands.

A/N: Haha cliffhanger losers <3

also there are 100% typos in here or like punctuation errors

Words: 980

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