Prologue - A Sister's Doom

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Summer started and in the Fuentes household, there was nothing more precious then a family dinner. This day was rare. The whole family was together. Vivian (Mama Fuentes), Victor (Papa Fuentes), Vic Fuentes (Oldest Fuentes Sibling), Michael Fuentes (Middle-Child Fuentes Sibling), and Alma Fuentes (Youngest Fuentes Sibling). Vivian just made posole, a popular Mexican soup that mainly consisted of pork and hominy and the whole family was bustling about the upcoming Warped Tour that Pierce the Veil will be playing. Everyone but Alma. You see, Alma didn't really like music which was particularly weird because the whole Fuentes family revolved around music. Her brothers would always ask her why she didn't like music and she would simply answer, "I just don't get it." She finds comfort in silence and in books. The conversation about Warped Tour changed to a conversation about Alma's education. Even though she would love to be engaged in that conversation, when her father brought it up, she tensed up. Usually, her father was a easy going guy but when he's upset, anyone could tell just by the way he looked at a person. And he was glaring at Alma.

"Alma," Victor started. 

Alma didn't dare to look at her father and stirred her soup, loosing her appetite as each second passed. Vic and Mike were confused as to why their father was upset at her. Their parents were proud of all of the equally but they loved that Alma was interested in getting a higher education. Mike, who was sitting next to her kicked her lightly and subtly, not hurting her, under the  table. Her eyes shifted at her heavily tattooed brother and then looked back at her soup. 

"We got a letter from Cornell," Victor continued.

"Oh-oh yeah," Alma replied, coughing and taking a sip of her soup. She was the lousiest liar and her whole family knew it. "What did it s-say?"

"Did it say that she got expelled because that would be the day the world ends, right?" Vic laughed, trying to lighten the situation. Alma tensed and held her breath. 

 Victor had a straight face and looked at his eldest son and sighed. "That's exactly what it said." 

"What?!" Vic and Mike snapped together, looking at their only sister with utmost disbelief. "EXPELLED?!"

Alma sunk down her chair but it seemed like her heart sunk to the ground and more. She could feel the disappointment from her parents and from her brothers fill the room. She was supposed to be the good one. She was supposed to be the one to graduate college with a degree and get a sustainable job and make my parents proud. But now, she's the one that got expelled. All her life, She's been compared with Vic and Mike. When their band got big, people forgot about her or didn’t even know who she was. Now that she got expelled, she became the disappointment.

Even Vic and Mike were so shocked that they didn't have a teasing remark for me. I stared at my family and felt hot tears flood my brown eyes. 

"It was an accident!" Alma cried. "They made me. I wouldn't- you know I wouldn't, Papi!"

"I'm so disappointed in you, Almita. Do you know how much your college is?" Papi snapped. 

"I know, Papi! I'm so sorry! Please... Forgive me."

"I cannot forgive you so easily.”

"I know. I’ll do anything. I’ll get a job. I’ll pay for college myself, if I have to. Please, I’m still the same girl.” Alma could feel the lump on her throat and she was ready to burst out in tears. 

“Anything you say?” Her dad asked. She knew that voice. It was the voice he used when he had a vicious plan to kill her dead.

"Y-yes, anything," Alma answered, more scared than anything. 

“Well… I heard that the boys need a new merch boy."

Oh, no. Please anything but that, Alma thought. Dios mio. No. 

"So, since you're not going to be busy with summer classes and it's way too late to get a job, you are to help your brothers this year at the Warped Tour as their merch girl."

A single tear went down her cheek as Alma looked at her hands on her lap, not knowing what to say. She couldn't say no to her father because if she did, there was no way she was going to be seen as his precious only daughter again. She hiccuped.

"Oh, Dad, c'mon," Mike spoke up after a long silence. "We can find another merch girl. She doesn't-."

"Mike," Her father interrupted. "She's going to be Pierce the Veil's new merch girl until Cornell will accept her into their school again. It'll teach her discipline.

Alma looked up at her brother and smiled, thanking him for trying. 

"Is this understood?" Their father asked.

"Yes, Dad," Alma sighed.

"Good. Now, eat."

Hellohello! Parker here! This is a fanfiction that I've been working on forever and for a long time I didn't know where to put it until I found Wattpad (I'm probably late in this game). Thanks for giving me a shot! This Warped Tour won't be based on a certain year of Warped. Tell me what you all think in the comments section below.

Thanks for reading. Stay strong. Stay golden. Parker out! 

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