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This starts when Fateh says tejo that she can't know his pain as she hasn't fallen in love

F: tejo ji you don't know my pain as you haven't fallen in love you don't know the pain of losing your loved ones how can you even understand my pain as you haven't fallen in love how can you understand how it feels when your lover the person whom you have loved the most leaves you

Saying so he went away from there with a sad smile with a bottle in hand Tejo smiled to herself

T: Fateh no one can know how it feels when your lover the person whom you considered your life has gone far away from you more that me if only you can understand my pain Fateh losing my love yet betrayed three times by destiny still being able to survive you can't know my pain ever Fateh never I wish I could have made everything right . I have fallen in love too Fateh I have

Tejo with tears in her eyes made her way to her house to bring her luggage and other things with heavy heart

At sandhu's house
Seeing tejo all the members present there were feeling happy and overwhelmed.

Satti: tejo are you alright betta why have you come today any problem baccha

T: mummy there is nothing to worry about I am just here to take my belongings I have a shortage of clothes so I came here

Beeji: let her in puttar you came alone only no one has dropped you

T: no beeji all were busy in their works and our house is also not faraway right I have managed to come alone

S: I will bring something to eat tejo

T: ok mummy till then I will pack my things

Tejo went to her room to take her belongings with her she started packing her things into a bag suddenly a album fell from the cupboard

There were pictures of hers Jasmine her brothers and finally his pictures her love her life her the ones she caressed those slowly feeling his presence near a smile appeared on her face all memories rewinded in her mind

I promise my tejo that I will never leave you alone

Those lines were now haunting her were not allowing her to move on . What if ? He was here with her right now than how would her life be

Rupi: puttar tejo have you completed packing
She immediately wiped her tears but nevertheless he saw her crying

Rupi: what happened puttar is everything alright
She wept in his arms till her heart was content
T: nothing is nice papa except babuji uncle ji and beeji no one are even wishing to talk to me they even don't like my presence also even Fateh who used to be my best friend is blaming me for his broken marriage how I am responsible for all this papa mistake is done by jassu and I am facing it's consequences why always I have to face hurdles from destiny why Babaji has written these in my destiny papa

Rupi: puttar how this is your family same in the way that is also your family now you have to deal with them with patience . Your patience is your strength dear don't loose it we are there for you puttar don't worry now wipe your tears and come down your mummy is waiting for you

Tejo wiped her tears and made her way down she spent a quality time with her family but the glint of sadness was not gone away from notice of abhiraj he sensed her pain which she was going through but couldn't do anything as her brother

Tejo departed from her house with her memories and things but things she didn't knew was she was going have another heart break for whom she has done everything is burning in vengeance

To be continued:::::::::::::::::::::::::
This story was a random thought of mine I will complete this in 5 parts more or less

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