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Fateh pov:
A: Fateh ??

F: what is all this abhiraj tejo ji and suicide , what are you hiding from me ? The person I know is a mature strong and a fighter how can she attempt to suicide and what is all this how does she know mridhun kaur and what is all this i am not able to understand

I was not able to understand anything how can tejo ji be so coward . but the thought of her being someone else's love pangs me in my heart why it is paining this much .

A: there are many things you don't know about tejo fateh not only you the whole family her past her hidden secrets are not meant to be known by all without her permission .

I know he is affected by tejo ji's condition but i need to know everything each and everything don't know why all of a sudden I am feeling possessive about her what is happening with me ?

R: veere he has right to know now he is not just bhabhi's best friend but also husband he can help bhabhi getting cured , we will need his help

A: fine you want to know about tejo right then listen, the tejo you know is not the real one my sister used to be childish bubbly immature girl innocent and what not she was always there for her family always sacrificed her everything for her family she has always been jasmin's shadow but apart from that she had a life which was unknown to even our family , you know me and tejo has studied in chandigarh not here in moga , and mridhun used to me my class mate . he was always found of tejo because she always looked at him with pure admiration without any false emotion she used to be always true to him , this was the reason he was more close to tejo from starting . He introduced us to his family which was way more better than ours there they used to treat all of us similarly , maddy's father had passed away this was like a slap on his face he was devastated broken and new responsibilities and dreams were being all burden to him at once but tejo assured him that she will be with her she and maddy both took care of family and his dreams tejo was his support and for tejo he was her everything with whom she can share her everything he always used to protect her innocence her kept her childishness alive ,

soon he became what he wanted to . he wanted tejo to be with him always like this forever he wanted to propose her directly for marriage all were happy listening this he proposed her finally after many trials . she accepted it wholeheartedly so ma i mean harmanpreet ma maddy's mom wanted to take this into her hands wanted to have a talk with our family but suddenly out of blue maddy asked her not to we didn't understand his sudden change in behaviour but tejo was sure something was wrong with him so decided to make sure what was going on but she found something which made her stumble she found that he was suffering from cancer that too it in last stage there was no chance him to live . Tejo was shattered she died each day seeing him on that hospital bed she lost her everything she lost her liveliness lost her support she even wanted to die with him and attempted to suicide but we reached there at peak time and stopped her . she is now living for only her dream which was maddy's too only because of his last words she is trying to breath "I will always live in your dreams make our land proud because of you" these were the words which are keeping her alive but today her wounds which she was trying to heel were left open and jasmine added more salt on it . i saw the same tejo who was before with you only I thought her miseries would come to an end after having you in her life I was always against to your marriage with jasmine because I know she is selfish for whom her canada dream was everything I always wanted you to be with tejo but I think even rabh also wanted the same and made tie the lock

R: mr virk my bhabhi's condition is very delicate now the more you keep her happy the more chances are there for her to recover fast she has to move on from maddy veerji not for her family but for herself I see my maddy veer ji in you . You both have many similarities this is one reason why bhabhi made you as her friend she knew the pain of losing our loved ones that was the reason she wanted you to be with jasmine for that she tried all the ways she paved a way for you she was there for you always now we want you to be with her somedays if she wouldn't have married i would have taken her with me made her live with us but now this is not possible as her family or your family don't know about our relation with her and this should not be known too as it might tarnish image of bhabhi in front of all already because of that jazz she had listened many taunts I don't want her to suffer more can you promise me that.

I was numb, I was not able to understand what to do she loved him with all her heart that she wanted to die with him , My love for jasmine is nothing compared to hers she loved him respected him admired him losing him must be so painful for her and I made it more difficult for her I promise to myself that I will be with her through this tough phase I may not be her maddy for her but try to be her best friend Now it's my time tejo ji to be with you

To be continued :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

That's it for today

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