I love a person that can make me laugh. Someone that can insult me, and me insult them, and we can just laugh till we drop.
I often find friends or relationships boring if they are too perfect without any humor. Humor is so appealing to me.
Also someone that can make openly gross jokes like 'I took a shit today, and it's longer than my dick' can make me laugh.
I love it when girls can openly be gross. They can tell me when they have to fart, and shit are the best type of girls. Ah openly disgusting girls are the best.
Of course openly disgusting men are just as awesome. We can talk about our bowel movements, and farts all day. I will think you are so sexy. Ah I am so weird. I still yet need to find someone like this again.
20 Facts About Myself
NezařaditelnéThe title is pretty self explanatory. I won't get into too deep of detail about myself, but just small things. Enjoy! P.S. There will be added extras!