"Where is Y/N, is she ok?" Yunho ask the maid, "She-" "She had stop breathing." The Queen walked out interrupting the maid. Yunho shook his head running inside the room seeing that you were gone. "Where is she?!" Facing all the maids who had their heads down Yunho yelled once again. "WHERE IS SHE!?" The Queen walk in holding Yunho's hands. "She is g-gone your majesty." The Queen sobbed falling on her knees. Tears ran down Yunho's cheeks as he angrily wiped it away, he couldn't leave it, you were gone. Silenced filled the room. "I will like to be alone." The maids scurried away as the Queen also leaves leaving Yunho alone in the room you gave birth in. Your scent, the blood on the blanket you gave birth on, how much you had suffer. Yunho kneeled on the ground crying out your name. "I have failed you, I am so sorry."
You struggle getting the rope off your wrist, you were weak after giving birth but you didn't want to give up. The Queen had entered the secret cave prison laughing at how pathetic you looked. "W-why would you do this Hera?" Your eyes watered as you spoke. "Shouldn't you know already? How much I despise you, you easily gotten what you wanted." You shook your head crying, the caring older sister you grew up with would never do this to you. "Your duty for me is done, now you must disappear." You clenched your skirt biting your lips trying to control your tears. Anger filled you as you spoke. "Even if I disappear, you won't be any better. You will still be underneath me where you belong." The Queen slapped you making your head hit the ground, you had fainted with blood streaming out your head. "Make sure she is dead and throw her in the water." The Queen said and left making the soldiers grab your arm throwing you into a wooden box. The soldier took out his sword ready to stab you but the other one stopped him. "Don't waste your energy, she won't survive after giving birth and bleeding out from her head." The soldier put away his sword throwing the cover over the box before they brought you over to the water throwing you in it to float away.
Yunho went to the Queen's room seeing her holding the crown prince. "My king." The Queen tried getting up. "You don't have to." Yunho sat down looking at the crown prince. "Would you like to hold? He is as handsome as you." The Queen said smiling making Yunho's blood boiled seeing how at ease the Queen was. "Seems like you aren't bothered by Y/N's death." The Queen stiffened motioning the maid to grab the crown prince and leave. "My king. Of course I am sad, but even if she is dead the crown prince was born. We should not mourn over a person who is already dead." Yunho hit the table getting up. "A person?! The mother of the crown prince is just a person!?" Yunho was deeply hurt. "My Ki-" "I see what kind of person you are truly my Queen." Yunho interrupted leaving the Queen with angry tears. Your words replayed in her mind. 'Even if I disappear, you won't be any better. You will still be underneath me where you belong.' The Queen screamed throwing a book at the wall breathing heavily. "That bitch!"
"Father! I am going to go catch fish for lunch, I will be back soon!!" The boy said waving to make sure his father could see. "Are you going again with Mingi?" The boy shook his head. "Just me, Mingi is busy." The father nodded putting more woods into the fire. "San-ah, don't go get hurt again. You know the Kangs can get us into lots of trouble." San smiled reassuring his father. "Don't worry, it won't happen again. Ok I will leave now." San waved before walking to his destination. Kids ran pass San as he smiled waving at them. The sun shined brightly as neighbors put their clothes out to dry. San finally reached the river setting his stuff down before grabbing his basket walking to the water to hand catch the fishes. "Why can't I find any fish, should I walk further?" San hated getting his pants wet but there was barely an fish at where he was. San grumpily followed the river to the deeper side hoping to catch more fish. " Woah what a big fish." San excitedly waited patiently for the fish to swim near him before catching it only to fail falling into the water. "AHH so annoying!" San grip his hair kicking the water in frustration, a wooden box floated to where San was making him stop in confusion. "Huh? Why is there a random box." San look around thinking if he should take it. Turning around San was about to walk away ignoring it but stop. "What if there is gold in it?" San excitedly ran to it pushing it out the water onto land. "I hit the jackpot for sure!" San look around once again before opening it. There it was, your lifeless body laying in the box. "Lady! Are you ok?" San shook you harshly but with no response San grabbed you out the box laying you on the rocks. "Lady wake up! Can you hear me!?" San quickly untied your hands cleaning you up with water. "No way, is she dead!?!" San moved his ears closer to you listening if you were breathing. Laying on his back in relief San grabbed his chest. "Woah, at least she is not dead." San got up putting you on his back before carrying you back to his house leaving his stuff behind. "Father, open the door hurry up." San yelled physical in pain from bending his back while carrying you. San's father opened the door shock. "W-who?" San walked into the room setting you on his bed. "Call the doctor please, we will talk later." San's father quickly ran out the house. San sighed taking a look at you noticing your skirt was filled with blood. "Does she have a wound somewhere else too?" San shook of his thought thinking the doctor can tell him later. Taking a cloth San wiped the dried up blood from your wound on your head. The doctor finally arrived asking San and his father to step out before checking on you.
To be continued...

Blood of Betrayal (Ateez ff)
Fanfiction"Sleep with the king for one night, carry the crown prince for me." Your sister, the queen had ask... "Your duty for me is done, now you must disappear." Betrayed by the Queen, your lifeless body was put in a wooden box thrown into the water to flo...