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Jungkook kept to himself most days. What was the point of making friends, if he would never see them again after this year. It was finally the end of high school for him, but he was immortal. Which meant this wasn't the end of something but the continuation of forever for him. A small moment in an eternity.

He was 17, actually 17. He had been through the bite and transition over summer.

He had no idea who the bite was from, it happened so suddenly. He had woken up in the woods, and looked up to see two guys looking down at him.
He was confused.

Later they explained to him, that he had been bitten. They didn't know by who, just that this vampire had been traveling up the coast. They had not left anyone alive until now."Why am I still alive?" Jungkook asked them.

"We don't know. But now you are one of us, and you need our help!" Said one of the guys.

"Why?" Asked Jungkook.

"Because, your a vampire. You will need blood, but you can't just feed on anyone you want.....You'll draw too much attention to yourself. We need to teach you how to survive here." Said the other.

"But what about school and my life?" Asked Jungkook.

"Do you have a family?" Asked the older one.

"Not really, a foster dad." Answered Jungkook.

"Does he check up on you a lot?" Asked the other.

"No. I barely see him, just when we meet with Social Services. I usually sleep at my job, there is an apartment connected to it." Replied Jungkook.

"Good. That makes things a bit easier." Said the older.

"First thing, you need to keep a regular stash of blood on hand at your apartment. Don't ever run low, because your instincts will take over and hunger can cloud your judgment. You could take out an entire room of people in less than a minute." Said the younger one.

"What?!" Jungkook said suprised.

"Yeah man, you are a predator. That's what we do if we don't keep things in check." Said the younger.

"Ok, ok hold on...who are you guys?" Jungkook said slightly panicked.

"Oh yeah sorry, I am Namjoon and that's Yoongi. We are part of a small clan in this area, well small as in it's just the two of us." Replied the older one.

"Clan?" Jungkook asked.

"Its what we call a group of vampires. At least we think, we don't know many others." Said Yoongi.

"I can't believe this! So not only am I finding out that Vampires are like real, but that there are CLANs of them!" Jungkook said panicking more.

"Look kid...uh what's your name?" Asked Namjoon.


"Ok Jungkook look, it's kind of hard to take in all at once I know. We don't know everything either, only that we need to stick together! We need eachother. Because there are others, and they are dangerous." Said Namjoon with a concerned look.

"There are others that are dangerous?" Jungkook asked cautiously.


"But you don't know who they are yet." Says Jungkook.


"And you want to help me because I'm a vampire now." Jungkook says.

"Exactly." Says Yoongi with a smirk.

Jungkook looks at both of them and starts laughing. They both sigh and smile.

"You think we are crazy right?" Asks Namjoon.

He walks over to Jungkook and wipes the side of his neck. He shows Jungkook the blood that had been dripping down while they had been talking. Jungkook gasps and reaches for his neck pressing down to stop the bleeding.Yoongi tosses him a shirt to press down on it.

"So this is like for real then?! Your not just joking with me??!!!" Jungkook said panicking.

"Calm down man. Look we found you out there after you were attacked. We could smell the blood. We have been tracking these kinds of attacks for months now. But we could hear your heart beating, so we knew you were still alive. We couldn't leave you there you know case others......others might be around." Said Yoongi.

"Jungkook, look you are in transition. Its extremely painful and you can't be alone once its complete. Because you'll need to feed, and we can't have a massacre on our hands. So you need to stay here until you can control yourself." Said Namjoon calmly.

"This is crazy!!!" Yelled Jungkook.
As soon as the words left his mouth a sharp pain hit him. The pain in his head felt like a million needles stabbing him all at once. He let's put an agonizing scream and falls to his knees.

"Jungkook its happening, try and stay calm and breathe. This will pass! Breathe ok?" Namjoon says calmly kneeling next to Jungkook.

"Ah, my head!!!" Jungkook screams.

The pain travels all over his body, and soon all he sees is darkness.

When he wakes, he can hear everything. The sounds all hit him at once, and he covers his ears but it barely silences the noise. He scrambles to his feet and tries to get away from the noise. Namjoon reaches him and turns his face to him.Jungkook's eyes met Namjoon's and he could see his mouth moving, but he couldn't understand him.

"Jungkook, focus. Focus on my voice. Do you hear me?" Namjoon asked calmly, still holding Jungkook by his shoulders.

Jungkook squeezes his eyes shut and shakes his head. He tried to pick out the voice in front of him. He started to make out a soft sounding voice, it was barely audible but it was there.

"Breathe Jungkook. Listen for my voice..." Namjoon says repeatedly.

Jungkook closed his eyes and took a deep breathe. Namjoon's voice started to break through the other noise, and soon everything fell silent and it was all he could hear. He opened his eyes slowly searching his surroundings in confusion.
"Jungkook? How do you feel? You feeling ok now?" Namjoon asked letting go of him.

Jungkook shook his head.

"Ok. Now everything might feel overwhelming at first. All your senses are heightened. You need to focus and try to control them. Take deep breaths and stay calm, ok?" Namjoon says.
Jungkook closed his eyes again and when he opened them again, they had turned blood red.

THE HUNT FOR A HYBRID [TAEKOOK]Where stories live. Discover now