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When Taehyung had shifted back, Jungkook was waiting for him. He walked out and saw him sitting and watching the tv. He was smiling, and looked almost angelic. When he turned to look at Taehyung with his sweet smile, Taehyung could not help but blush and look away. He walked over and sat by Jungkook, and his arms wrapped around him. Jungkook smiled and did the same. Taehyung smiled and closed his eyes, taking in every moment of this peace. He felt safe here, and couldn't think of anywhere he would rather be.
But soon his smile fell when he remembered what brought him here.

He sat up letting his hands fall from around Jungkook and he sat up with his head down, feeling the need to explain. Jungkook leaned forward trying to meet Taehyung's line of sight.
"What is it? Why are you sad?" Jungkook asked.
"My parents know what I am now. They are going to be looking for me. When they do, that's it my life is over." Taehyung said feeling tears fill his eyes.
"Tae, I would never let anything happen to you! We are connected, if anything happens to you it happens to me. We are in this together just like we have been since the day you shifted. I found you then, and I will always find you." Jungkook said reaching for Taehyung's hand.

Taehyung looked down at their hands joined together, and he let out a tearful laugh. Jungkook ever the poet, he thought. He looked up at Jungkook and smiled. He knew that he wasn't alone, but it also mean that the boy he loved was in trouble now too. No one knew what he was yet, but if they did he would be in danger as well.

"I shouldn't have come here, I don't know why I did." Taehyung said standing.
"Taehyung your wolf side knew where to go, and brought you here because you feel safe here. I know you are scared but we can fight this together no matter what that means." Jungkook replied standing and taking Taehyung's hand into his own.

Taehyung looked up at him, tears in his eyes and leaned in kissing Jungkook for just a small moment. As they pulled away Taehyung heard a noise coming from the other side of the door. Jungkook heard it too, and pullled Taehyung behind him.
"Hide." Jungkook whispered.

He walked over to the door once Taehyung was out of sight. He slowly opened the door, and let out a sigh of relief.

"Seyon, thank god it's only you." Jungkook said opening the door more.
The older vampire entered the apartment searching slightly for any sign of anyone else there.

"Are you alone Jungkook?" He asked.
"No Taehyung is here." Jungkook said.
"He is? Is he ok?" Seyon asked.
"Yeah, he had rough day so he is staying here for a little while. Did you want to see him?" Jungkook asked.

"Just to see how he is doing." Seyon said.
"Oh ok. May I ask why?" Jungkook asked confused.
"He has been through a lot, and anyone who has been through the test sometimes has some residual side effects. Is he in the other room?" Seyon asked walking to the back bedroom.

Jungkook stopped for a moment.
"How did you know Taehyung was tested?" Jungkook asked.
"Oh um Namjoon told me." Seyon replied.
"I never called Namjoon, he doesn't even know Taehyung is here." Jungkook said suspiciously.

Seyon froze and let out a small chuckle. He rolled his eyes and turned to Jungkook with a smirk on his face.
"That's true. You didn't tell him. In fact the one who told me wasn't my son." Seyon said harshly.
"Then how did you find out Taehyung was here?" Jungkook asked defensively.
"Well, see I have eyes on the inside. A certain brother. I have known more than I let on. You know for a time I thought leaving you alive was a mistake, but now you have brought me a wolf. So it looks like you're worth my time after all."
Seyon said smiling and inching toward Jungkook slowly.
His eyes slowly turning to their deep red shade.
Jungkook had to have heard him wrong.

"You-you left me alive?" Jungkook asked stuttering.
"That's right Jungkook. Are the wheels in your head turning? Are all the pieces starting to fall into place?" Seyon asked still moving toward him.
Jungkook dropped his head trying to remember everything that had happened this past year.
"But why?" Jungkook asked.
"Why not? The truth is, when I bit you I didn't plan on leaving you alive. However, I was interrupted by two young vampires tracking me. I guess I left too obvious a trail for them to track. I had to get away, so that meant I had to leave you alive. I came back to find you and finish you off, only to find my very own son mentoring you." He paused and laughed. "How ironic right? I bit you and my son saves you. Anyway, I watched you for some time and realized how powerful you were. I decided with my help you could be a great asset."

THE HUNT FOR A HYBRID [TAEKOOK]Where stories live. Discover now