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The next day, Taehyung felt like all eyes were on him. He tried to act normal, but after everything that happened normal had gone out the window. He wasn't normal, he was something else. The place where he used to feel the most comfortable, now felt like a prison. He felt the back of his neck get warm and his ears felt like they were burning. As he walked down the hallway his heart started pounding a little harder with every step.
He dropped his head looking at his feet. Then he felt a hand reach for his shoulder, and an arm wrap around him. He looked up to see Jungkook, and felt the biggest rush of relief.
"Hey!" Jungkook said looking forward with a small smile on his face.
"Hi." Taehyung said softly dropping his head again and glancing once a while as they walked.
"Are you doing ok?" Jungkook asked quietly.
"I feel like everyone is looking at me." Taehyung said annoyed.
"They always looked at you, don't you remember?" Jungkook said jokingly.

Which he got a nudge in the ribs from Taehyung for saying it.

"Yeah but that was different!" Taehyung said under his breath.
Jungkook's smile dropped and his voice got serious.
"Just keep breathing ok, and if you feel something is gonna happen then call me ok?" He said letting go of Taehyung and walking to his locker.
Taehyung's stomach dropped when he was left alone again. Soon he heard a familiar voice call out to him an mad hurried steps behind him.

"Tae! Hey Tae!" Came the voice.
Taehyung took a deep breathe and turned allowing a fake smile to fill his face.
"Oh hey Jimin, what's up?" Taehyung said casually.
"Uh what's up? What the hell happened to you? You took off with that Jungkook guy and never came back! What happened?" Jimin asked as they walked on together.
Taehyung paused for a moment and tried to remember the story he and Jungkook had agreed on.
"Oh me and Jungkook kind of got into a fight, but we were able to work it out so we are cool now." Taehyung said with the same fake smile plastered on his face.
He wasn't very good at lying convincingly. He felt is phone go off, and he took it out to check it.

(Messages between Jungkook and Taehyung)
Jungkook: "You are smiting too hard, calm down."
Taehyung: "It's hard ok, i suck at lying."
Jungkook: "Just breathe ok, your gonna get too worked up. Believe its true and the lie will come easy."
Taehyung: "You sound experienced at lying!"
Jungkook: "I am a vampire, I pretty much lie to everyone."
Taehyung: "Right, good point."
Jungkook: "Ok, so we got into a fight but we are cool ok?! Now really sell it!"
Taehyung: "Ok...ok...I can do this!"

Taehyung took a deep breath and tried to act more natural. Jimin was always so distracted by what was going on around him that he didn't really notice Taehyung's odd behavior.
Jimin was a good guy but way to excitable and easily distracted.Taehyung was glad of this because it meant that his best friend wouldn't ask too many questions.

"So you and Jungkook are like friends now?" Jimin asked turning his attention back to Taehyung.
"Yeah I guess so. He's cool once you get to know him." Taehyung replied shrugging.
"Mhm...mhm...you are totally crushing on the loner guy!" Jimin said jokingly.
"What?! No I'm not! We are just friends ok! Not everyone is looking for a boyfriend unlike you!" Said Taehyung annoyed.
"I'm open to all things my friend." Jimin said smirking.
Taehyung rolled his eyes at him, and caught sight of Hoseok as they got closer to their first class.

"Hobi! Hey man!" Jimin said wrapping his arm around his friend.
"Oh uh hey!" Hoseok said nervously, stuffing some papers in his bag.
"What cha reading?" Jimin asked.
"Oh uh nothing! Hey Tae you ok?" Hoseok asks looking at Tae concerned.

"Yeah he is fine, just got a new crush!" Jimin says jokingly hitting Taehyung on the arm.
This irritates Taehyung and he can feel himself getting angry, but does his best to keep his breathes steady.
"I don't have a crush. We are just friends!" Taehyung said annoyed.
"Who is your friend?" Hoseok asks.
"That weird loner guy that's like super hot! Jungkook." Jimin says smiling at Taehyung.
Taehyung rolls his eyes and walks into his class finding an empty seat followed by Jimin who picks the seat right behind him.

THE HUNT FOR A HYBRID [TAEKOOK]Where stories live. Discover now