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Hey dudes I've been getting A LOT of requests and are I'm working on them ALL (probably not the best tactic, but it's what I'm doing hahaha) I'm also still taking requests, but I wanted to let y'all know what's coming up (as close to this order as possible) and say that if you DO have a request it will be done after my list of these get shorter 😊 I'm trying to have one posted every day, but bare with me please😅

-Jon Bon Jovi
-Alex Van Halen
-Fred Coury
-Bret Michaels
-Tommy Lee
-Richie Sambora
-Robbin Crosby
-David Lee Roth
-Eddie Van Halen
-Tom Keifer
-Axl Rose (I have a friend who wanted to write this one so I have no clue when it will be done hahaha)✅
-David + Alex
Glenn Danzig


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