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You never truly know who your friend is
The day you tell your "friend" your secret
Is the day you truly know who your "real friend" is

What more can i say when I hear my dark secret spoken out from the mouth of a stranger
Who else could have made my secret go viral?
Putting me in a position of mockery and disgrace

Now i am at fault for choosing to perform the role of a friend
Who shares how they feel with their supposed "friend"
Now i blame myself for actually falling for your act
I blame myself for being vulnerable and weak
I blame myself for being talkative and loose
I blame myself for being insane to trust you

Why did i ever trust? Anyone for that matter?
Maybe it's because i never think things through
Ponder upon and filter my words
My impatience to tell you everything had killed me now
There was always a little voice that tells me not to reveal things to you
But that voice was too little it never resounded in my head
I never took heed to it's warnings because i was absent-minded and foolish

The wrath in me has awoken
The doors of trust has closed
The foolishness in me is ready to leave
The fire in me will never quench
I will show you what happens when you betray your "friend"

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