Goodbye, Weak one

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I'm dying inside but I'm faking my smile.
It's just so stupid that I feel like I'm invincible,
But one part of me is degradable
The mechanism behind my stone cold heart,
Can never catch a virus like the hurt you make me feel .
It's designed to withstand any kind of emotion or pain .
But it's not Almighty .

Stone cold , stone cold
Frozen will be the hurt or pain.
Never to see the heat of the sun.
A warrior never let's her guard down in time of war .
So will the lock of my heart be frozen by the nothingness I feel
I'm numb to the pain so I can never be surprised by your acts
Try as much as you can ,but you can never the see the look of surprise on my face.

My Kryptonite is now a jewel I wear around my neck.
My Achilles heel can not trip me any longer .
Goodbye to all my weaknesses cause what used to kill me has now made me immune.
Goodbye weak one.

Author's note:
Hey guys!
This is the last poem for this poem book!
It's the first one I'll finish so.. yay for me!
I have another poem book I have announced before. I'll publish it soon.
Thank you for your support guys!
See you in the next book!
Ps. I'm open to questions and interviews concerning the poem book

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