My Insecurities

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Insecurities, that thing that makes you lose your self-security
The thing that makes you want to stay clear of the outside world
Because of the fear of being judged
Why hate me on something that I can't change
Why make fun of me for something that I can't make go away because I want to
Why embarrass me for something that reduces my self confidence all because you don't
have it and it gives you confidence
Why expose me to the world in the name of pointing out my insecurities all because you just wanted to let me know
But let me tell you something that isn't supposed to come as a shock, I ALREADY KNOW ABOUT IT!

It's something that I can't make go away with the snap of my fingers and in the twinkle of an eye
I try my best to do damage control to make my insecurities less noticeable
But who am I Kidding?, whether I put in my all.. it's never enough
Whether I do little to nothing... it's never enough
Whether I do nothing at all.... it's never ever enough
So, why should I even bother trying to please anyone?
They are not Me and they can never be me!

Now, I will do whatever I see fit to please myself
Call me out on doing what I want, because I don't care what you say anymore
If that's not something you can handle, the door is wide open for you to walk out of my life
There is enough toxins in my life that you have produced.
These insecurities are mine and i chose what I do with it and how it affects me
Like they say,"whatever kills you,makes you stronger"
My insecurities make me stronger, so I will accept them as they come.

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