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(A/N: All of my notes will be in bold! Also, this is a short intro chapter for fun so pls enjoy and the pic above is how I picture them sitting together. Aren't they so cute?!?! :,])

Peko was sitting with Fuyuhiko's head on her lap, watching the others in their class interact and converse. 

"You can't shun them forever, Fuyuhiko." she started, studying his face as he watched Kazuichi laugh loudly at something Nagito had said.

"Oh shut it, will ya? I'm not shunning them!" he started, an agitated look on his face.

"Really now? Just yesterday I saw you tell Teru-Teru to die in a hole." "Seriously?! That was taken out of context, stalker." Fuyuhiko yawned, looking bored.

"For the last time, I'm your assassin. I'm supposed to keep an eye on you at all times." Peko sighed. She knew there was no point in getting to him, yet still she tried. How idiotic.

"There's no one here to assassinate me, ya know. Plus you know how much I hate being dependent on you. You're your own person with your own thoughts and feelings, and I can take care of myself. I'm not a baby."

Peko eyed him warily, observing the way he stuck his tongue out at Nekomaru as he passed by.

"And you know-" Fuyuhiko began to tap his foot, "It's not like you're any friendlier than me."

"I have no purpose standing around doing something so useless like that. It would get in the way of me protecting you." 

He stood up, annoyance written across his face. "Good! That's exactly what I want! Now go hang out with someone!"

"Only if you do the same, Fuyuhiko." she gave him a sly look and he rolled his eyes.

"Fine, whatever you say, dumbass."


Peko's PoV

As much as I'd told myself I wanted to build a strong relationship with my classmates, actually doing it was a whole other thing. In truth, the only reason I was walking up to Akane and Ibuki right now was because of Fuyuhiko.

I sighed and came to a stop in front of them. They stopped talking. "Uhhhh... hi, Peko... everything alright?" Akane asked, staring at me quizzically.

Oh god. They were looking at me so expectantly i wanted to throw up. I pursed my lips, about to walk away again, when I thought of what Fuyuhiko had said. 

"You're your own person with your own thoughts and feelings"

He was right. I had to face it. I had to be brave and come out of my shell.

"Hello? Peko?" Akane's voice snapped me out of my daze. "O-Oh. Sorry. I was wondering if I could perhaps... erm... hang out with you...?" I hated how quiet my voice sounded, like a shy little girl's.

"HELL YEAH!" Ibuki's sharp voice jolted me out of my thoughts. "We were just talkin' bout Akane's stellar muscles!" she pointed at Akane's arms and as if on cue, the brown haired girl flexed her muscles proudly.

"That is... very cool." I said, smiling steadily. 

"WOW!" Ibuki was practically shouting in my ear and I took a step back, hoping to preserve my hearing. "I've never seen you smile! You gotta do it more often, it looks great!" she winked and smiled a bit wider.

Akane turned to me, grinning. "Hey, aren't you a swords-woman?" There's no way you don't have some seriously big guns!" 

They pestered me until I rolled up my sleeves and flexed a little, and as they were chittering on and on about my arms I looked over to Fuyuhiko, who was sitting with Nagito and Kazuichi. 

We made brief eye contact and he saw me flexing my arms, an aggressive blush suddenly popping up on his already blushing cheeks. I gasped slightly, feeling embarrassed, and my arms shot back down, bumping Ibuki on the head in the process.

"Hey, what was that?!" she cried, rubbing her scalp. "S-Sorry." I could feel a blush creeping up my neck.

Akane followed my gaze to where Fuyuhiko was sitting and she squealed. "I knew it! I knew you and shortie were together!" my eyes widened as I rolled down my shirt sleeves. "Shhh! Not so loud, Akane! That's not true! And if it was, how would you know?!"

Ibuki giggled so hard she almost fell over. "Oh come on!" she snorted. "have you SEEN the way he looks at you?!" Akane burst into hyena-like laughter. 

Oh man. This was gonna be a long day.


Fuyuhiko's PoV

'This is so fucking stupid,'  I thought to myself as I made my way towards Nagito and Kazuichi. At least we were friends, being nice shouldn't be so hard, but I honestly hated talking to anyone if I didn't have to. The only reason I was doing this was for Peko. Because, well, I... loved her. I felt my ears burn and I knew they were red. 'just great'.

"Hey man!" Kazuichi's somewhat weaselly voice made me want to bang my head on a table. 'For fucks sake, why'd I have to choose them of all people to be friends with?!'

I sighed. 

"What's up." I made myself sound as bored and unbothered as possible. Kazuichi's smile did not falter. "We're talking about Ms. Sonia! Dude, just look at her! She's so pretty!" I looked over at the blond girl and saw her feeding Gundham's hamsters.

"I could never interest a girl like that!" Nagito said cheerfully. 

"Oh come on Nagito. Stop putting yourself down like that. Doing that's gonna make you end up swimmin' with the fishes." I shook my head and crossed my arms. I could never understand how he could say something so depressing in such a cheery way. 

Nagito shrugged, a smile still played on his lips. "It's simply a fact, my friend."

Kazuichi sighed, looking defeated. "She'd never like a guy like me ya know. She's a literal princess and I'm a..." "mechanic." I finished for him. He nodded sorrowfully.

"There's no way she doesn't like you back, man. I've seen her gawking at you a couple times" I said, and I found myself hoping it would boost his mood.

Thankfully it did, and he was back to his usual bubbly self.

Kazuichi whistled, distracted by yet something else. "Damn, Fuyuhiko! Your girl's strong!" Nagito and I followed his gaze and I watched Peko flex her arms slightly while Ibuki and Akane chattered next to her, both of them inspecting her biceps.

Holy hell I could have gotten a nose bleed right there. 

Suddenly she looked over at me and we held eye contact for a good few seconds, both of us getting redder and redder the longer we stared. 

Her mouth opened as if to say something and her arms shot back down, hitting Ibuki on the head. I chuckled and looked away, my face burning a bit.

"When were you gonna tell us there was something between you two?!" Kazuichi was almost jumping up in his seat with excitement.

"Calm down, shit head! There's nothing between us, got it?! Nothing!" my heart tugged a little when I said that, not wanting to believe it.

"Liarrrrrrrrr!" Kazuichi said in a singsong voice. Nagito laughed and nodded in agreement.

I groaned.

(I hope you enjoyed this little PoV chapter! I have more coming soon! :])

Fuyuhiko x Peko RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now