•Part six

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"We are painting!" Fred announced and sat down in the treehouse, placing the paints on the floor in front of him.

"So this is what you two had planned then?" You asked and then Fred and Danielle nodded in unison. "I love it."

"Good, I had to annoy Ron just to get these paints." Fred got some canvases out and placed one in front of everyone.

Then you opened some paints, used a charm to fill up a cup for water and then got the paint brushes out for everyone there.

Danielle was obviously the first one to start. She grabbed her paint brush and immediately started painting her picture. You and Fred were sat next to each other so you just sat there for a while and watched your daughter paint.

It was really peaceful and you loved it.

It's times like this that you wish could never end. Just watching your daughter have fun was like a dream come true.

Her own dad had come up with this idea and it made her and yoy super happy. Danielle got to have a much better relationship with her dad than you ever had already, and it made you so relieved.

The one thing you have always wanted her to have was a better life than yours. You wanted to protect her from everything that nobody protected you from. Knowing that you had, at least for now, made you feel joy.

After a while, you, Fred and Danielle had all finished your paintings and were waiting for them to dry off in the sun.

Dani had painted a picture of you, her and Fred all standing together by your cottage. You painted a nice sunset and Fred had painted a very good mini portrait of Danielle and you.

He was a really good painter.

"How about we do something while we wait for these great pictures to dry?" Fred suggested. "Dani, what would you like to do-"

"Hide and Seek!" Danielle practically yelled in excitement already.

"Go on then, I'll count first and you two can hide." Fred said and put his hands over his eyes.

Danielle jumped up and ran off to find a good hiding spot, but you stayed there and just sat down. Hiding seek was never really your favourite game.

"Ready or not, here I come!" Fred shouted after counting to ten, then he noticed you. "Why aren't you playing?"

"I'm not the biggest fan of this game." You shrugged.

"Come on, at least one game?" Fred asked.

"I'll think about it, now go and find our daughter!" You told him and he laughed before leaving to find her.

Not long after, you heard Fred yell something and Danielle laughing a lot. He must of found her.

"I found you!" Fred yelled and started to tickle Danielle lots so that she was laughing. "Come on, let's go get mummy."

Fred got hold of Danielle's hand and then walked back into that main part of the treehouse to see you. Somehow, they both managed to persuade you to play so you ended up playing a few rounds with them.

"I think that our paintings are dry now." You said after entering the main treehouse again.

"Do you like it?" Danielle held up her picture to show you and Fred. "It's us three."

"I love it, sweetheart." Fred kissed her head.

"Danielle that is one of your best paintings you have ever made, it's amazing, baby." You told her.

"Thank you." She mumbled and laid down on the floor, tired from running around for a bit.

The time was now 1:34 and it was the time that Danielle would normally eat her lunch so she was also quite hungry. Fred noticed that and went inside the Burrow to try and get some food for you three.

Shortly after, he came back outside with some sandwiches for everyone along with a few bottles of juice and some fruit.

The three of you all ate lunch and then decided to stay in the treehouse all day having fun together, as a family. Mrs Weasley had come outside to see if any of you wanted anything constantly. Over time, it was getting quite dark and then Danielle had an idea for the three of you to do now.

Star gazing.

You and Fred agreed then followed your eager daughter out of the treehouse and to the grass now. Fred had gotten a small picnic blanket to lay on the grass for all of you to lay on, which you all did.

That night were really peaceful.

The only thing that mattered was spending time with your two loves.

Your daughter and her dad.

Your old best friend. Still your best friend.

All you were feeling was happiness and joy, Daniele finally got to meet her dad that day and it made you so happy knowing that you have helped her and provided her with a better life than yours so far.

It made you feel relieved in a way. This made you feel a wave of relief wash over you.

The there of you were stargazing still, Fred still had his smile that never left his face since this morning, Danielle was zoned out from looking at the stars for a while and you were just lost in your thoughts.

You never wanted this to end and neither did Fred and Danielle. This was a perfect life already that you three had wanted. The best life already.

Time felt like it had flown by, but it really hadn't. It had gotten darker and light snores were filling the air. Snores from Danielle.

She was so tired from playing all day and then relaxing after ages that she had fallen asleep in her dads arms. It only made Fred smile more though at the sight of his peaceful and beautiful daughter.

"I think we should get home now." You whispered to Fred and got up.

"Agreed, she needs a proper nights sleep and not just sleeping in the cold, wooden floor of out treehouse." Fred got up, cradling Danielle in his arms as you folded up the blanket.

"Come on then." You held his hand and apparated back to your cottage.

Word count: 1043

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