•Part nineteen

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warning: blood, knife wounds, hospital talk, torture and slight mentions of drinking

Blaise Pov

This made everyone mad, somehow even my brothers. Draco moved closer to his Aunt, pushed her away from Danielle and held his wand in her face whilst trying to put pressure on Danielle's wound.

Why were they doing this to us?

What did we even do to deserve this?

With Draco trying to help Danielle and sort of trying to hurt his Aunt all at the same time, it must have been hard for him. Theo noticed this and whispered something to Pansy before slowly moving closer to the scene.

"Hey, Dani, look at me." Theo moved Draco's hand so that he could help whilst Draco concentrated on his Aunt who was now laughing hysterically. "It's going to be alright, things like this happen a lot."

That's the thing, stuff like this don't happen all the time. Maybe a small accident in the kitchen when cutting food, but not stuff like this when someone purposely hurt a four year old girl.

"Hold my hand and squeeze it when it hurts, can you do that for me?" Theo whispered to Danielle and she nodded slightly then held onto his hand. "Your doing so good."

Draco was standing up and pointed his wand at his Aunt who was still laughing on the floor.

"Are you going to kill me, Draco?" She smirked at him.

"You are already meant to be dead." He said in a harsh tone. "What did she ever do to you?"

"It's not her that is the problem. It's her family and I want to get back at them, why not hurt their precious girl?" She laughed.

He was getting fed up and cast a spell that he hadn't used in ages, one that Draco had experienced himself not long back.

"Sectumsempra!" He casted and blood already started to form in cuts on his Aunt.

After he cast that spell, Draco moved over to where I was laying and tried to help me.

"Come on, mate." He sighed and tried to help me stand up but I just fell again, my legs where too weak.

I was too weak to do anything, it even hurt to breathe in and out.

"Blaise." Danielle cried at me for help, it gave me some sort of motivation and I finally managed to move away from the spot.

Draco supported me and practically carried me over to where Dani was sat, crying. Theo placed her in my arms and immediately applied the pressure on her arm again, now with both hands so she was holding my hand.

"Dani, it's going to be alright." I assured her and she squeezed my hand. "We will get you some help."

"I want mummy." She cried into my chest at the pain and need for Kyra.

"Can someone try and contact Kyra or Fred." I asked everyone around me, ignoring my brothers still.

"We are sorry." Marcel and Zion both mouthed at me but I shook my head and let out a hurt chuckle.

Pansy managed to call Kyra on a Muggle telephone that Draco had gotten installed in his house. She didn't tell Kyra all of the details, only that Danielle needed her badly.

That was enough for my sister to be here with Fred immediately, they were both so worried for their daughter. They ran inside the house, past Zion and Marcel, then straight over to me and Danielle.

Kyra let out a cry of shock and hurt for her daughter, Fred gasped and bent down to Danielle. He cupped her face and kissed her head.

"We are going to help you, baby, don't worry." He told her and she slowly nodded.

"Blaise.. what happened?" Kyra sat next to me and Danielle, Dani jumped into her mums arms. "Hey, baby."

"It hurts, mummy." She whined.

"I know it does, the pain will stop in a minute, my love." She stroked her head then asked me the same question. "What happened?"

"Ask them." I tried to point to our guilty brothers who were now sighing and looking at the floor.

"What the fuck happened to my daughter?" Kyra asked with an anxious voice, looking up for one small second before looking back down at her daughter.

They didn't say anything, just shook their heads yet again and Zion looked like he had tears forming in his eyes. Marcel just looked guilty, nothing else and it a hint of sadness or hurt.

It took a while and a lot more pain, but we all finally got the help we needed. I got hit with another Cruciatus curse, Fred cast a charm to stop the bleeding in Danielle's arm a bit more and Kyra just stayed in her space to hold her child. Our brother's still hadn't said a proper word to us, they couldn't even look anyone here in the eye. Soon, some doctors and nurses came to Draco's apartment with George Weasley and Angelina Johnson, soon to be Weasley.

Only certain people were allowed to go in the room at a time, and since the knife wound hadn't been dealt with as quickly, it needed more attention and took longer to help.

Kyra and Fred, obviously, wanted to stay with their daughter until the pain had stopped. I had to get checked out in another room since I was too weak to even move by myself and had to have help to practically do anything.

My friends stayed with me, well Theo and Draco did since Pansy was told to get her own kids and herself home. At least them three were all safe.

"What a day, huh?" Draco leant back in his chair that he was sat in, he had drunk more.

"You both look like shit." Theo admitted and ran his hand through his hair due to all the stress of today.

"We know." Draco shrugged and got up to start looking around in any drawers or cupboards in sight. "Recon they have any drinks in here?"

"This is a hospital." Theo reminded Draco.


Word count: 1018

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