How slow life is, how violent hope is

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Astronomy for Amateurs, 1904 / The Overview Effect: Awe and Self-Transcendant Experience in Space Flight, Yaden et

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Astronomy for Amateurs, 1904 / The Overview Effect: Awe and Self-Transcendant Experience in Space Flight, Yaden et. al. 2016 / Carl Sagan


kateprydes © 2023
started may 30, 2021
published december 29, 2023
status ongoing

It's been over two and a half years, by now the homesickness should've subsided. By now Joyce should have gotten used to the way the elemental cocktail that Earth deigned to call an atmosphere stings her the inside of her nose, weighs down her lungs, and leaves a bitter taste on her tongue. It's not home, it will never be, but home isn't what it used to be either; no more sweet melodies of traditional music or the taste of the food she grew up with, even the dance of swirling color between the sky and the sea is a distant memory, several star systems away.

             It's for the best, Mama says, they're safe on Earth and she should be grateful, which she is... But for crying out loud she thinks she deserves a little leeway! Sure this planet hasn't been taken over by evil self-righteous conquers but it's really not far from it. Joyce is pretty sure it's cursed or something, every single day something is attacked or blown up or both! The people are confusing, some of them are good, some of them are bad, and some of them are straight-up evil, and they lie all the time. Now that she's become the Green Lanterns' protégé, it's partially her responsibility to keep these people from being attacked and blown up or keep them from doing it to other people!

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