First Announcement

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Hi There! Thank you for clicking on this story!

I think it is only far to warn you that this will be a slow updating story. For that I apologize. I write a lot but unfortunately most of it is in many different time sections. Lol. I also have a lot of responsibilities to preform before I can write. But I really look forward to writing and reading and constructive criticism.

With that said I ask that any comments be appropriate and non hurtful as I will block any hate comments or otherwise. This should be a place of freedom as we all come here to escape the pains of the real world and loose ourselves to the wonderful world of fiction!!!!

Also DISCLAMER!!!   I do not own DC or any of their characters or stories [unfortunately :'(. ] I only own my characters and any storyline changes that I make. So please do not take any of my ideas. That being said I won't necessarily be following the exact characteristics known characters such as Deathstroke but I hope to still make it an enjoyable story!

Next I also apologize for any spelling errs or grammar mistakes (they've never been my strong suit....)

And last but not least I will attempt to inform if there are any triggers in a chapter such as Blood or Gore. However I may miss some for different medical conditions for which I apologize. There will also be no smut or lemons in this story I preferer to keep my writings clean.

Thank You So Much and I can't wait to go on an adventure with you! 

"Live Long, Prosper, and Mischief Managed!" 

Deathsroke's Al Ghul DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now