Just a regular day

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October the 3rd 2016. Its a lovely day outside, the sun is shinning, dogs are barking and the sensation of my crisp lettuce and bacon sandwich fulfils my hunger. Me, my friend Katie and her little brother Hamish are out having lunch at our local dog park. As we sat on one of the parks many benches eating our sandwiches, the sound of a gun firing emanates throughout the park signaling that an event has begun.

"What was that ?".

"Well Hamish, as of today the local community is starting a fundraiser for the SPCA buildings in the area".

"Not to be a drag, but if you two looked on the back of the bench that we're sitting on, you would see a poster advertising the event. Basically saying everything that Katie just said plus other information like, the fundraiser is a dog race and that all you need to enter is a dog and a gold coin. Betting on the race is optional but, yada yada yada adult stuff excreta " I say whilst finishing off my sandwich.

Hamish gets up and walks to the other side of the bench to read the poster. "Despite .... what does that mean ? ".

" Well Hamish luckily your sister knows, despite our lack of a dictionary or Wifi ".

" Jee thanks Emma " Katie replies while rolling her eyes at me. 

"It means one thing has been done and yet their still going to do it for example, despite what Emma said you still went to look at the poster to see for your self. 

 "ohhhhh ! ". 

" Your welcome " I say smugly.

"Oh shush Emma don't act like you were the one who said that". Hamish then walked back around so that he was facing me and Katie. 

"Can we go see ? please please please pleasssssse ?".

"Sure just lay an egg with some gold coins in it and we can go".

"EMMA ! Gosh don't say that. *sigh* sorry Hamish but the only money that we got for today was already spent on our lunch".

"Hey if the wee boy wants to go then let him go".

"wee ? ....... Emma since when were you Irish, or...... is it Scottish ? ".

I get up off the bench and walk towards the nearest road. Both Katie and Hamish just look at me wondering if they should follow or just stay where they were. 

"Hamish go to the event, I'll get us the money to be able to see the races ".

"Yay thank you so much Emma ". Says Hamish running off to the event

"Come on Katie " I yelled as I cross the road.

"But why should I come with you when I should be looking after my little brother? He could get hurt you know and I wouldn't be there for him, then it would be your fault".

"Just come with me Katie, all where doing is going to get some ice cream which will give us the change that is needed".

Katie shrugged her shoulders and came across where I was waiting for her. After she came across we then headed into the nearest dairy. Meanwhile Hamish had just only gotten to the event.

"Katie ? Hmm I thought she would of came with me. Oh well I hope they don't take long, it's already the ....".

Hamish's sentence gets interrupted as the event manager for the fundraiser announces the results of the races.

" Alright, the winner of the SPCA Fundraising event of 2016 is ! Drum role please".

*Sound Effect plays*

"Caddy the Labradoodle, Bentley the pug and the shepherd triplets ! Thank you all for donating today and special thanks to those who enter their dogs into the race, have a nice rest of your day".

Hamish just sits on the ground and starts to cry."Waaa I didn't get to see anything and it was so quiiiiiiiiiick waaa " 

"There he is, come on Emma "

"I'm trying Katie but I'm not as fit as you are" 

"Jeeez Emma we missed the dog races"

"Don't you think I can see that !".*Puff * Cough * Wheeze* 

"Emma are you alright ?"

"Yea I just need to sit down. Oh and hey Hamish I got this for you"

"*Sniff* thanks " 

"Hmm that's the first time I think I've heard you say thanks to some one other than mum. Hamish is there something else wrong with you ? Or have you just started to be polite ?".

"I'm polite ! I just don't do it when your around ". 

After that we decided to go back home and call it a day. Katie and Hamish had their mum pick us up from the park, Katie and Hamish's mum is so kind. She let me hang out with Katie and Hamish almost every day, she also let's me keep my bike in their garage. Whenever I come over they take me along with them in the car when they go to the park or even the mall. I grab my bike after saying goodbye and then off I go back to my little place I call home for the rest of the afternoon. Where my tired looking mum is sleeping on the couch after a long day of work, I put a blanket over her and go to bed my self. Even though it still early in the afternoon.

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