Not fat, Not skinny, just cubed

2 0 0

Everything goes black, my eyes are opened but I can see anything it's all pitch black.

"Hamish ! Katie ? Anyone ???"

No one replied, I was all alone. Was I dead, and this it what the afterlife looks like ? I suddenly feel as if hands where around me, as if some one was picking me up. I could then see to white shining eyes in the distance, I try to wiggle my way out of the grip of this person, but I just ended up succeeding and falling on my face. I close my eyes as I fell but when I opened them again I could see things. No more blackness or glowing eyes, but fields of green with blocky animals. Was I in the game? I then got up onto my feet and noticed that my limbs, my body and everything else was made up of cubed rectangles and squares.

"I ... I look like my character !?"

Based off and anime call assassanation classroom my body looked almost just like the teacher, Koro sensei. Meaning that I was mainly yellow with black robes on and a black fez upon my head in a 2D fashion.

"Are you ok ? you where on the ground looking as if you where about to disappear in a cloud of mist "

"Cloud of mist ? of, you mean die, . . . uh nope still alive" I say whilst awkwardly smiling.

" Well good. . . I thought you might be that's why I started to carry you back to my home. Oh how rude of me, my name is Steve"

Steve, a light brown skinned male with dark hair, an aqua T-shirt, some dark blue pants and grey shoes made up the clothing he wore. He then turns towards a tree and says

"Punch it"

"Excuse me ?"

"Punch the tree to get wood, you'll need it if your going to be wondering around in this game"

"Oh right ok. . . . wait you know your in a game ?"

"Yes why wouldn't I ?"

"Uhhh I'm not sure . . . . . hmm . . . "

I turn towards the tree and with all my strength I punched one of the tree blocks. The block didn't even show any signs of breaking. Tears roll down my face because despite how it looked, punching wood even only once was really painful.

"Well . . . that was pathetic, either you need to do smaller punches or you are really weak"

Suddenly we here some one calling out


We both turn around and there was BrotherBuns, a pale male with gray and brown clothing and a big blond beard. Swimming across a shallow pond coming towards us with a creeper following behind.

"Just keep going I'll hit'em back"

Steve then runs towards the creeper allowing BrotherBuns to safely get out of the water. He then Jumps into the water striking down the creeper, but it wasn't enough. The creeper just turns towards Steve and starts to glow. Steve whacks it again with his iron sword before getting out of the water but it was too late, the creeper blows up launching him out of the water and onto the edge of a lava pit.

"Wow that was close !"

"Right !? He was lucky not to fall in! Although he must be on low health surviving a creeper and a fall like that"

"So BrotherBuns. . . . did you see anyone else spawn into the world?"

"Hmm? Oh a yes I spawned with my good pal Meaty. Unfortunately he wasn't as lucky and ended up dyeing to a skeleton who shot him while he was swimming in lava due to getting blown into by a creeper exploding while we where exploring a mine-shaft.*gasp* I haven't been able to find him since, and that's when I ended getting chased by that creeper"

"Meaty? "

"Yes were weren't able to get the Minecraft names that we wanted, so he prefers to be called Meaty rather than Meatlog"


"Woo that was a close call, luckily I had some cooked steak on me to quickly get my health up. CFoxling and BrotherBuns could you follow me back to my home, because I dought you two would want to see anymore mobs, seeing that your both not very prepared for the challenges that this game throws at you."

"Uh sure I'm in! also why did you call me CFoxling? "

"Because that's the name floating above your head. Is that not correct ?"

"Oh right the name tags uh, no I prefer to be called Emma"

"Ok Emma, do you feel the same way BrotherBuns ?"

"Yes in fact Gunner, just call me that."

"Right now that's been established I'm Steve and we need to get going. Come on."

We start to follow Steve back to his home as the light of the day get's darker and darker. Before the sun has a chance to set we arrive at a big hill in a birch biome that had two doors at the base of the mountain.

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