Chapter Two

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Hey guys!!

Soz for the short update and for taking so long :D

And really sorry for any mistakes and stuff but yer...

Thnx so much 4 reading <3333

Plz comment and vote!!



Chapter Two:

My memory was interrupted by Luke, who pushed my crumpled body aside and leaped at West; even though I knew I couldn't move, I didn't want to protect West: after what he had said to me, even the dream couldn't keep me liking him.

I knew I was being selfish and I should have stopped Luke but I couldn't, whether it was literally impossible: my body refused to move, or that I wouldn't move, I wasn't sure but as I gazed over at the two men, my eyesight barely holding between sobs and the tears leaking out of my eyes, I saw West pinned against the back wall that was next to the bedroom door; he looked over at me, not attempting to hide the defeated, devastated expression and my cries turned quieter as I focused on his face.

"Stop," I murmured, my body barely responded to my calls and my voice didn't stop everyone like I had hoped.

"Luke," I mumbled, my voice gradually growing louder as I pulled myself up. "Luke, please stop. Luke."

Luke froze and turned back to me, a sympathetic grimace lining his expression. "Why?"

"Because," I answered wearily. "I- I have a party and I don't need an unconscious body off to the side of room?"

"Fine," he growled, before turning back to West with an icy expression. "Apologise; before I break your face, despite what Amber might think otherwise."

"Luke," I sighed, exasperated. "He's your cousin. Be nice."

"So? Do I want him as my cousin? No," West winced at the verbal slap and I sighed again.

"Luke let him go," I commanded, knowing that my appearance wasn't helping me look controlling.

Luke growled at me before dropping his hold on West who crumpled to the floor, looking devastated.

"I'm sorry Amber," he murmured, not looking up. "I really am."

I nodded, not sure whether to accept his apology or not but before I could decide a knock at the door and a joyful yelp echoed through the room before being replaced by an impatient yelling.

"I swear, if you don't open the door in the next two seconds I will break it down and I'm not paying for a new door!" I chuckled at her impatience, she normally got like this is there was a party on that she had to go to.

"Nice to see you to Melody," I opened the door before being welcomed into a bear hug.

********** -A Few Hours Later-********

I grinned at Melody and she beamed back, her unnaturally curly hair bouncing off her shoulders as she walked past me to go show off to the boys. A job I had already completed.

My dark hair was curled as well, my darker, bug-like eyes mixed with enthusiasm, black mascara and a hint of green eyeshadow; I was dressed in a tight, black and purple dress that showed off all my curves and ended about mid-thigh. Accompanied with this was a killer pair of black stilettos. I really did look amazing but to be fair I had too, it was my party after all.

"Ember!" Melody called from the other room, interrupting my thoughts and with one last once-over I sauntered into the kitchen where the men were admiring us.

"Yes?" I beamed at her, unnaturally excited.

"We look stunning," Melody said matter-of-factly, while Luke snorted with laughter.

"I prefer to differ," he gasped between laughs but he instantly stopped after both Melody and I sent icy glared his way.

Melody was dressed in a red dress, the same length as mine, with a strap leading over one shoulder; her makeup was done exactly the same as mind, except when I had had green she had chosen dark blue, exaggerating her much lighter blue eye colour and adding to her already (naturally) bright yellow hair colour; when she said we both looked stunning, she really wasn't kidding.

"Okay, well, snap snap. Everyone will be here soon and you need to be ready," I clapped my hands and both the men groaned before pulling themselves of the sofa and walking off towards my bedroom where the had quiet happily dumped all of their stuff earlier.

I turned back to Melody, grinning, "Now comes the work.

She groaned, "And you dressed us up and then made us do the work because..."

I shrugged, "Meh."

Unable to wipe the smile of my face, I turned on my heal and entered out the door, my 3-inch heals clicking behind me; as I knew there would be, I was welcomed with the forest from my dreams, only I was in a paddock this time and not helplessly lost. But around the paddock huge trees surrounded everything, shepherded by ferns and bush, it was gorgeous, although in a way that was always expected here.

"So, we need to get the speakers, but I plan on getting the men to do that so we have to move the eskies out here, yeah?" I asked, before slipping off my heals, welcoming the feeling of grass underneath my feet.

Melody nodded next to me belfry turning to go back inside to grab the first esky, I quickly followed and soon the work was done and the first guest was arriving.

"Nate," I beamed, running over to his still moving car that was driving into the clearing.

As soon as he had stepped put of the car he engulfed me in a hug, before planting a kiss on my forehead.

"Missed you," I smiled up at him, his body towering over mine.

He chuckled, "Not as much as I missed you!"

Then he bent down and placed his lips to mine; our kiss quickly interrupted by fake gagging sounds. We both turned around to glare at the culprit, the oh-so-innocent-West who instantly started whistling, the smirk never disappearing from his face.

Nate looked down at me and cocked and eyebrow, "Introduce me?"

"Sure," I replied, smiling, before grabbing his hand, tugging him over to West. "West meet Nate. Nate meet West. West is Luke's cousin."

"So you're unfortunate enough to be related to that jerk?" Nate asked, I frowned at him but he just shrugged.

"So you're lucky enough to meet his meaner, more violent cousin?" West beamed at the man next to me.

Nate just rolled his eyes before turning around and strolling away, leaving me with West.

"So, um that's my boyfriend," I smiled, wearily.

"No. Really? I thought it was normal for people to kiss other people just because they could," West stated coldly, his voice drilling with sarcasm.

It didn't take a genius to realise they weren't going to get on; I could only wonder why...

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