Chapter Three

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Hey guys!!

Thnx 4 the votes on the notice is your chapter!!

Sorry the chapter before and kind of this one are both fillers-ish but this one kind of explains stuff that is going to happen and stuff...

Mayb u can already guess.. Hehe

Hope you enjoy and COTE!!!

(Comment and vote)

Love ya all!! <333



Chapter Three-

It only took another twenty minutes for half of Victoria's population to turn up to the party; most of the people I had met before but there was the occasional person who was a complete stranger, but that didn't bother me, like it never did, it was a party and I wasn't expected to know everyone -even if it was my party.

Although there was a gang of men who West had invited, much to my distaste, who had turned up. They were all dressed in short sleeves tips in a range of colours and dark coloured jeans, but clothes weren't what interested me; it was their tattoos.

On all of their left arms they had marks and trails running from their shoulder to their wrist: intricate designs that interested me and disgusted me. I loved tattoos but they looked organised and frightening. And in my mind, those two words described me of my father.

So the men frightened me and I was curious to discover who they were, so making my way through the dancing crowd, swaying to the deafening music I began my search for West.

I strolled through the crowd, gazing around, looking for West, planning to tell the group to leave if I didn't find West in the next thirty seconds; as I continued my search, I completely forgot about my killer heals (killer as in stunning shoes and killer as in when I fall over I will break my neck, my ankle and many other bones in my body) and my feet tripped over a lone beer can; my body hurtled towards the ground and I closed my eyes as I fall, waiting for the familiar sound of breaking bones as I pushed out my wrist, but the impact never came.

Someone grabbed my waist and yanked me back up to a standing position, smirking cockily at me.

"You look lost, anything I can do? Killer party by the way," West didn't drop the smirk.

I flashed a smile at him before replying, "Thanks; who are your friends? I don't like them."

He chuckled, "Great hospitality, right there."

"Meh," I shrugged. "But who are they?"

"Meh," he shrugged, repeating my actions. "Friends?"

I narrowed my eyes at him suspiciously, "I'm telling them to leave so bye."

West sighed, "Your funeral."

"W-what?" My body stiffened at the word funeral.

"Don't worry."

I nodded briefly before turning around to go find the men before walking straight into a hard chest.

"Oof," I groaned, my head raising to glare at the man I had walked into. "Watch it."

Grey, icy eyes glared back at me and I instantly noticed the tattoo on his arm. "Excuse me?"

"Oh, I'm pretty sure you heard me," I growled, threateningly.

He took a step closer and lowered his head to my level, "I'm going to pretend I didn't."

"And why is that?" I sneered at him and his eyes narrowed at me.

"Because sweetheart, if I 'accidentally' hit you or something people probably wouldn't take it as a accident, and I have no intention of explaining everything," he smiled back at me.

"Lazy ass," I shot back. "You just can't be bothered? Jeez? What are you, a bloody sloth??"

He chuckled at me and smiled again, properly this time, not just a facade. "I'm Logan," he held out his hand for me to shake.

I pouted and wearily shook his hand, "Ember."

"Oh," Logan raised an eyebrow. "You're Ember. The girl who threw this party."

I beamed and nodded at him. "Yep," I said, popping the 'p'.

"Well, it's the best party I've been to in a while so nice job," Logan replied, an unreadable expression lining his features.

I nodded appreciatively, "Umm. Well it was nice meeting you, I guess. But I gotta' dash; party and all."

"Yeah," Logan answered. "Wish I could say the same about meeting you and all."

I rolled my eyes at him and he continued, "Cya around, I'm just joking if you didn't catch."

"Oh, really? I didn't," I sighed. "Enjoy the party!"

Then I turned, flicking my hair over my shoulder and walking forward, not taking two steps before hitting someone else's chest.

"Seriously?" I muttered before glancing up at a weary West -well at least it was someone I knew this time.

"What did you say?" He asked, worried.

"Oh nothing much, told him he was a lazy ass and stuff but yeah," I said, shrugging.

"Wait, what?!" West looked down at me horrified, gripping my arm tightly. "You said what?!"

"Oh don't worry, Ember's all good," Logan answered for me while I attempted to glare at him -it wasn't very affective because he had decided to rest his chin on my head. "Quite a stunner you got there, West. Congrats."

"Am I allowed to punch him?" I asked, irritated.

West just gazed at me and Logan shocked before shaking his head slowly. I sighed, already expecting that answer while West stared at us, his draw dropped open.

"Is he always like this?" I asked Logan who was still resting on my head.

"Yeah, pretty much."

"No surprise there; so um is there a reason West is looking really shocked and stuff?" I asked, frowning.

I felt Logan shrug, I only just noticed that my back was pressed tightly to his front, "Yep."

"You gona tell?"

"Nope," he replied, popping the 'p'. "Any chance you want a dance?"

I rolled my eyes, West was still staring at us as if we were mad, and I was still pressed into Logan; in my current position, there probably wasn't anything wrong with dancing with Logan and it wasn't really like it was cheating on Nate or anything...

My thoughts trailed off as I thought of Nate. Would he care? Probably. Should he care? Probably. Would I care though? Probably not.

I knew I wouldn't cheat on him, even if he didn't so I didn't care; call me selfish but I knew I would never hurt him even if he didn't believe it, "Why not?"

"Good answer," Logan beamed and looped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to the blaring speakers, away from a (still!?!) shocked West.


Another three votes on this and I'll update the next chapter!! Thnx!!

Ill stop doing this soon but I'm just making sure people r reading this...but please don't vote if you don't think it deserves it!!

Love ya <333


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2013 ⏰

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