Chapter 2.1

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Third Person's POV

The sky is gloomy. It matches what is happening at the orphanage right now. Norman and Emma fell asleep in each other's arms. Don and Gilda are making another rope using clothes and blankets while Ray is trying to finish his transmitter-crippling device and thinking of a plan.

After a couple of minutes, Norman wakes up and sees Emma as he opened his eyes. He stares at her face for a bit and slowly pushes her to the side of the bed. He couldn't lift her because of his broken leg so he got the blanket on the bed and put it on her instead.

He tried to sweep the glass shards on the room. It was hard because of the crutch. But after a few minutes, he finished sweeping it. He seems so tired but instead, he looks determined, thinking of a plan to make Emma escape from her miserable menace.

Norman walks forward and back, thinking of his plan. He was uncertain because he did not know what's behind the wall, so he thinks of an alternative plan. "I won't let Emma die. Even if I sacrifice myself," he whispers at himself as he stares at Emma, who is peacefully sleeping at the side of the bed.

A knock from the door stops Norman from thinking. The door opens and revealed Ray, Don, and Gilda. They look so serious and determined. But their eyes are all still shining. They're not losing hope.

"I finished the transmitter device." Ray throws the device to Norman. He caught it, well, almost caught it... His broken leg is really a problem. But, luckily, his brain is still here. His intelligence was his power. No one can stop him, even his broken legs can't. Especially if Emma is the one who's in danger.

Norman holds the transmitter and stares amazingly at it. "Ray, you're a genius!" he can't help but say it, even Don and Gilda are smiling admiringly at him.

Ray leans to the side and puts his hand on his head. "No, it's just it's my obligation to do this. I have to finish that quickly. I already owe many of our siblings for that. So, I won't let another one be shipped." he said, full of seriousness.

It made everyone silent. The thought of their former siblings sprout on their minds. They remembered the days back when they are happy with their sibling's adoption. Though they will miss them, they promise that they'll meet again together once everyone got adopted.

Each month they are decreasing. One by one is leaving. Before they're celebrating with them, thinking that they will be with their loving adoptive parents, but little did they know, that it would be the last time seeing them.

"Ray, how long have you known about it?" Norman asks out of nowhere. Don and Gilda raise their head to look at him. They're curious about it, too.

Ray on the other hand, lowers his head before speaking, "Since the beginning..."

His answer made the others look at each other, thinking what would've that mean.

"How??" All they're head turns to Emma whose asking Ray. They didn't notice that she's awake and has been listening with them.

"Did you know about 'childhood amnesia'?" Ray ask them. Norman's eyes went bigger in shock as he look on him. "Does that mean..."

"Yes, I didn't had childhood amnesia, so I still remember everything. Since I was born." The others are shocked too at that revelation.

"What?! Ray, you remember when you got out of your mother's womb??" Don curiously asks.

"Yes, I still remember it. Even when I'm inside my mom's womb."

"That's kind of terrifying!" Gilda commented.

"Ray, do you remember how you got here?" Norman eagerly asks.

"Of course. There are many babies. I remembered when they put these marks on our necks, even the tracker on our ears. I also remember the facilities of humans and demons there." Ray said. They were amazed at what they heard. On the other hand, they felt sad for Ray. They just realized how traumatized he could be.

"After doing it, we are divided into 5 groups. Until we are delivered in our assigned farm." Ray said, remembering what happened back then. "At first, I don't mind about it, until I reached 4 and realized what is happening. After knowing about the real identity of Mama and this house, I decided to become a spy. I ask her to spare me until I aged 12 and ask for 'prizes' that I used for the device." Ray continued.

"I studied so hard. I read all those books at the library. Even if I don't like it, I push myself to do it because it's our only chance to escape from this miserable place." Ray said. It was obvious in his voice that he was in rage.

"I-I'm so sorry, Ray. That would be too hurtful..." Emma said, almost teary-eyed after hearing Ray's story.

"No, you don't have to feel sorry. This is no one's fault but the demons and the humans who are just letting us to be eaten. And now that I have a chance to save my other siblings, I will do my best. Don't worry, Emma, we will all escape." Ray smiles, a scene they have rarely seen in their lives.

"Aww, Ray! Thank you for your sacrifices!" Emma cried out loud as he hugged Ray. Ray struggled at first, but finally, give up. Gilda, who is now crying too, ran to Ray and hugged him too. He was shocked at first, but he just let her. Next is Don, who's trying not to cry but it is obvious that he was about to burst.

"I'm sorry for blaming you about Conny. I--"

"No, Don, I completely understand you." Ray tried to smile an assuring smile. Finally, tears flowed into Don's eyes as he slowly walks and hugged him too.

Norman's eyes is shining, he's happy to see them like this, especially Ray who opens up at them. "Looks like he's now considered escaping with everyone." He thought.

"Norman..." Emma called. "Are you just gonna stand there?"

He slyly smiled as he slowly walked and join the group hug. Norman smirked at Ray and tried to tease him. "Looks like the cold, old Ray loves warm hugs." They all laugh as Ray poker-faced his already poker face.

After a few minutes of hug, they separated from each other. Ray took a breath deeply and started to talk. "So, Norman, for sure you already have a plan, right?" Norman smirked, confident about his plan.

"Of course. Also, I'm pretty sure you already have your plan as well." Thinking about Ray's plan, he's been thinking if he thought of another plan except 'that'.

Ray stared at Norman and slowly nod his head. "Yes, I have."

Norman smiled at him, "Then, let's combine our ideas, shall we?"


OMG FINALLY I FINISHED IT!!! Sorry if the second part of chapter 2 took a long time! But now here it is! I would like to thank all the readers, voters, and commenters! I really appreciate y'all! Should I make a dedications?

Anyways, thanks for waiting! I decided to separate this part 2 update so that you would easily know where you're going to start reading. Hope you enjoy my story! Any thoughts and reactions? Comment down below!

(Ctto of the photo I used. It was originally taken from TPN anime series.)

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