Chapter 1

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Umm before we start, I think I should warn you. Characters may be ooc but I will try my best to protray them the way I see them. Remember, this doesn't follow canon. There is no drastic change in the story but I wanted to add my little moments. This is not edited so you will find mistakes.

"Idiot! You ignorant stup- aghhh! Do you know what you just did?", exclaimed the young male. Shrugging, the blonde male simply ignored the brunette as he raged.

"How am I going to explain to dad that the scroll- which he specifically told me not to touch because not only is it one of his greatest masterpieces, it's a really powerful space-time seal- got suck into my not fully tested seal . . . . . you know what, this is why I hate you"

The two males stare at eachother as the awkward silence continued, that is before the blonde burst out laughing. Truly, this was the first time he had saw the other male panic and lose his normally stoic, disinterested look. Hell, this is the first time he talked so much in one breath. Even when he's angry, he tended to be more physical than verbal.

"You know, it doesn't make sense that we panic. What's done is done. We could only hope that the seal got destroy after it got suck in- which is most likely seeing that it was one of your untested projects, plus I doubt you could somehow get dad's seal back."

" . . . . . . fine. But your going to explain to him why his precious seal is missing", the brunette said before leaving his study. He seemed to have made the right choice because not long after, the sound of whining could be heard from within the study. Sighing, he made his escape.


Hiruzen Saratobi knew he was getting old. He was far from the professor of his youth and perhaps that is why when he found the strange scroll- which after months of deciphering he finally understood the uses of it- he decided to test it. Thus brings us to now. 

Within the main house of the Saratobi compound, sat the Hokage. Now this, in itself, is not uncommon, but perhaps the large amount people surrounding said Hokage was worrying. Seated opposite the Hokage were the Heads of the major clans, more importantly they were the parents of the genin that were also there, for once staying silent. Not far from them stood their team senseis, looking curiosly at Hiruzen. Talking of Hiruzen, he had his lips perse as he thought over if this really was a good idea. But even if it wasn't, they were already here and he would be wasting their time if he did not present something to them. So with a sigh, the old Hokage finally spoke.

"Now, you all may be wondering why I have summon you, within my compound no less, you see I have come to the fact that I am old"

Really? Only now? Was what everyone wanted to say but decided to keep their mouth shut and listen.

"I'm nothing like I used to be in my youth and luckily within this war-free time I am not needed as much. But if there is one thing I know it is that war is inenvitable no matter the era. With that knowledge I fear for the future."

"Okay dattebayo? What does that have to do with me?" For once the other rookies realised that the deadlast was not joking. He genuinely looked curious if a bit confused. It had only been a few days since they had graduated and they were still getting use to the genin routine.

"I am coming to that. To preserve this peace and make sure that the village is still standing in the future, I have decided to do something that would be considered impossible."

"And what may that be Lord Third?" asked Sakura.

Pulling out a scroll, he continued, "This scroll is no ordinary scroll. Within it holds one of the most powerful space-time seal I've ever seen."


"Don't you mean jutsu"

"He meant seal" explained Shikamaru, "just like with explosive tags, seals can be use for many things and is one of the most powerful of arts within the ninja techniques"

"Very well said Shikamaru and as I was saying, this scroll . . . . . . this scroll has the ability to show us the future"

There was a pause until what the sandaime had said finally dawn on them. See the Future?! But that is impossible! They said that much.

"Yes bu-"

"Are you finally going senile old man!" naruto exclaimed as he laughed. But soon shut up when he saw the glare his jiji had gave him. Now he just rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly as he looked everywhere but at the Hokage.

"I have said what I needed to. And to make sure that we are ready for whatever threats that befalls us in the future, I am willing to take drastic measures. As the future of Konoha, I am asking you genin to take part in this."

"Meaning you want to see our future?" asked Sakura as she looked at the Hokage with wide eyes.


All was silent as all the genin try to grasp the situation. The clan heads deemed it best if they stay out of this. If the Hokage wanted their input he would have address them not their children. So they deciced to stay quiet and play spectator.

"Ok" Ino said. Honestly she was excited. She was going to see the future. THE FUTURE. This was too big of an opportunity to pass up. She would be able to see if she manage to get Sasuke to fall in love with her. She would be so pretty he would have to. Of course! She can't wait to shove it in forehead's face!

Naruto blinked. They were going to see the future. As in the future, future. With giant Naruto. . . . A big grin spread across his face once the fact settle in. He was going to see if he became Hokage dattebayo. He just can't wait! Narrowing his eyes, his gazed locked on the scroll resting confortably in his jiji's hands. Reaching forward, he quickly snag the scroll and quickly opened it.

"Wait Narut-" 

But it was to late. The moment Naruto opened the scroll, his hand was cut drawing blood. Everyone stood still as they watch the blood slowly dripped onto the page of the opened scroll. Everything was silent. Tensing the ninjas looked around with narrowed eyes, trying to find something out of the ordinary.

"Heheh sorry dattebayo. Everything is ok. Se-" 

Cutting Naruto off, a clear field of white chakra exploded from the scroll circuling everyone in a barrier. The genins all glared at Naruto with the exception of team 9, Hinata and Shikamaru who just grumbled a quiet troublesome under his breath.

Sighing, the Hokage move back towards the others from his position near the barrier. He had inspected the thing and it indeed was a barrier made of chakra, for what though? He is not too sure but there is nothing that he could do. He only hopes that was the way the seal worked and it would come down when they were done. Because frankly there was no way they could leave without removing the barrier.

"Seeing our little problem, I think its best that we start. Hopefully when we finish it would disappear. Now who wants to go first"

"Um Hokage-sama are you sure about this?" asked an uncertain Kurenai.

"I am sure"

"Then I want to go first dattebayo!"

"According to the scroll you need to add chakra to the seal-"

"This one?"

"yes that one- and it would show you a projection of your future."

Naruto took a deep breath. There was a sudden pit of nervousness that well inside him but he decided to push that aside for now. He wanted to know if he became Hokage! And he won't know if he's scared dattebayo! So with another deep breath, Naruto filled the scroll with his chakra. 

All was silent as everyone furrowed there brows in confusion.

"Hey Naruto, are you su-"

And the world exploded.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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