Chapter 6

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Not proof read as always

Hailey POV

Me and kaylee were sitting in detention and we each had a big cardboard box to ourselves and we were told to flatten the box and write that we wont skip again and walk aboard school with it tied around our necks by a string.

This was going to be super embarrassing...And we had to make it nice and shiny to catch people's attention.

They had told us that they'd be watching us so dont take them off but honestly I dont care I'm still gonna take that shit off.

"I dont get it" She said

"Get what miss..-?" Kaylee responded

"I dont really get the gist of skipping class... I know I used to be a nerd and all back in my school days but I really dont get it" she said confusedly

We both stayed silent and continued to draw on the cardboard in front of us.

Soon enough the bell rung and she dismissed us so we could go to our next class "atleast we arent gonna be stuck with her all day" kaylee said trying to put a smile on my face.

I lowered my head down a little trying to make sure nobody saw who I was but it was useless everyone still noticed who I was just by my height.

I kept walking and walking not even paying attention to where I was going and kaylee kissed me on the cheek and went into her class.

I decided maybe it's time to accept to coaches invite and start playing football.

So as the day sped by I ran down the stairs and headed straight to the yard afterschool.

"Hey coach" I said

"Oh look who decided to finally join us..go sit down next to Matteo over there, good to have you here" and he pat me on the back.

I ran over next to him and greeted him he seemed nice but one of the other players kept side eyeing me and staring so I stared back until he turned around.

"Alrigt guys... and girl my bad, today we are only going to be training and tomorrow we have a game against the woodpeckers all the way across town. I expect each and every one of you to try as hard as possible because they are a really good team but we can be better than them."

"So today we and gonna be working on our cardio and sprints."

The guy that was side eyeing me raised his hand and the coach called on him "Yes Dylan what do you want" coach said

So his name is so original

"Why o we have a girl on the team I'm pretty sure that all of us are gonna b good without her" he chuckled with his friends

"Well dylan I've seen Haileys skills and she seems like she would be a good addition considering that we have lost every game I put you in"

"Oooooo" the rest of the guys went and the started laughing whilst Dylan went red.

"Anyways guys I'm gonna hand you over to coach willow and hailey you come with me"

As I was walking with him back over into the locker room he was talking to me about how the team is and all that good stuff.

"So hailey what number do you want your jersey to be you can pick any number besides 0,3,5,7,8,10,17,56,78,79,84,88, and 97 those are everyone else's numbers"

I couldnt even remember all the numbers he said so I picked the first one that come to my head.

"Uhm I guess I'll take 6 then"

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