Chapter 1

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(Lmao idk their names so I'm just gonna make some up) also I didn't spell check 😬 tell me if I need to fix something it would be greatly appreciated👍

Pov Hailey

Hi my name is Hailey I'm intersex and I'm gonna introduce myself I am 17 years old I'm 6'4 I know I'm pretty tall also my voice is kind of deep I live with my dad my mom left when I was younger I never really knew her so I wasn't really upset about that. My dad knows that I'm gay and he's supportive he takes me fishing and to football games the last game we went to was the Eagles vs Dolphins obviously the Eagles won. One time my dad and I were driving around and he saw a group of girls and convinced me to talk to them I got one of them to date me but the relationship was way to toxic. Anyways I don't want to keep ranting so lets start the story

I slowly opened my eyes it was 8:47 in the morning and I had to be at school by 8. My eyes widened and I quickly took a shower and got dressed (grey sweatpants, a grey hoodie, white air force 1s, and a white headband)

my dad was at work already so I knew I wouldn't get in trouble. I got in my car and drove to the school.

-Time skippp-

I looked at the school and it was giant it had at least 5 floors a football field and a outside lunch area which was also big. I walked in and saw a lady at the desk on a computer she looked up at me and smiled

"Hi welcome to Birlin high school what's your name?"

"Hailey Sanchez"

"Ok... Tsktsktsk here you are, you are in Ms.Gabrie's class 2nd floor class 109" she handed me my schedule and some rules I didn't bother reading them.

Once I walked past the rooms on the first floor I basically dashed up the stairs and once I was in front of my class door I noticed how close my head was to the top of the door.

I mean I know I'm tall but the could have made it taller the door was at least an inch higher than me. I took a deep breath and walked in all eyes immediately went on me.

I looked around the room there were lots of girls are already drooling over me some guys had a smile on their face like the type of smile that says "I wanna be your friend" and a gay guy in the front looking like he wants to be my bestfriend. I look in the back of the class and a girl immediately catches my eye shes so hot. It seems like I'm gonna have lots of dick appointments this year.

I can already tell she has guys dying to date her or breathe their air. The teacher finally breaks the silence.

"Hello you must be Hailey" She offers me a handshake with a smile I shake her hand but don't smile back.

"There's a seat right next to Marcus, Marcus raise your hand"

The gay guy stands up I smile and sit next to him.

"Hey" he says

"Hi" I say

"Damn your voice is hot if we were straight we'd def be fucking"

"How'd you know I'm gay"

"Girl I have a gaymeter and its beeping hard as hell right now"

"After class I'm going to show you around and show you my friends. Give me your schedule"

I handed him my schedule and he turned it so we both can see I looked at it and I nodded my head after every word

Social studies

"You have 4 classes with me well lunch included so 5"

I nodded and he handed me back the paper I looked at it it has a M after Math,Science,Spanish,Lunch,Social studies I guess that's every time I see him.

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