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We are all born in this world , for a life which we didn't ask for. It all happens out of nowhere, if people were asked permission before they are born , I'm sure one third of them
Would not want to be born . The place , the family, the time , the situation we are born are completely out of our hand . We decided nothing ,
Yet we are born.

This world is different for different people, life isn't the same for many.
If you are rich , have a caring family, get whatever you want , and you are happy, you are really lucky .
Well , this isn't applicable for 75 percent of the population, from what I ve saw. 10 percent of the world's population lives in poverty, that makes upto 700 million people.

Other 65 percent have something to conclude that they are not lucky. Domestic violence, not having trustworthy people by our side , getting betrayed too are considered unlucky.

153 million children in this world are orphans. Never thought those many children had to face human suffering at a very young age . In this world, the one easiest thing to do is to be unhappy. Life sucks at one point for nearly 99 percent of the people alive , but being unhappy solely depends on you .

I sometimes think of myself as a great failure, cause this world is so fast, I couldn't actually keep up . Everyone I meet is faster than me,does things with ease . Something that is so big for me to do is really small for them . I don't know how to put that into words, but they made me feel worthless. It took so many years for me to understand that this no purpose rat race was the problem.

You don't need to meet people's expectations, you don't need to be fast like them, you don't need to be beautiful like them , all you need to do is to take it slow and enjoy this journey. We are not going to be forever, no one cares that guy sleeping in the cemetery was a Harvard graduate.

You can be unlucky, but you'll definitely have something to hold on and enjoy. some people are born in wealth , while others may have trustworthy people by their side . Some may get a good partner, while some may have the coolest parents ever .

Each and every one on this world will have or find something to be considered as lucky, we will be given a chance to be happy.

Just do what you can and try your best , never give up on something or someone you believe.

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