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I FIND MYSELF being thankful that today is Sunday, and I can spend the day with the kings

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I FIND MYSELF being thankful that today is Sunday, and I can spend the day with the kings.

Throughout the whole day, Caius and Aro would look at Marcus with jealousy plain on their faces, I sometimes would catch them mumble something to themselves while they angrily looked at him.

I currently watch them do just that, as I sit at the table, finishing the rest of my dinner.

"It's not his fault I kissed him." I speak up after growing tired of their antics.

The two drop their angry expressions and look at me.

Marcus looks smug as I speak.

"We know it is not his fault." Aro says defensively.

"Then stop acting like a jealous teenage boy." I narrow my eyes at him jokingly, kind of.

"I am not jealous." Aro responds, sounding like he's taken offense to my insult.

I snort and stand up, "Okay." I grab my plate and head towards the sink.

"You do seem quite jealous, brother." Marcus agrees.

I hold back a laugh while walking back to the table, I sit back down and rest my chin on my hand.

"Amore, I was wondering if you've been practicing?" Marcus asks, ending the previous topic of discussion.

I raise an eyebrow at him, "Practicing?..." I trail off, wanting him to elaborate.

"Your... scream?" He says, unsure.

I blink.

My scream. I haven't really thought much about it the past few days.

I also, have no clue on how to practice with it. I really can't do it on command.

I shake my head, "No. I can't do it on command."

Aro sighs, "Maybe with practice you can."

I shrug, "Maybe, I guess."

"Perhaps you could practice in Volterra." Aro suggests happily.

"Yeah, maybe." I nod.

We don't talk about it that much, moving onto various topics.

We eventually migrate into the living room.

I lie on the couch with my feet in Caius's lap, when a guard—one I've never seen before.— saunters in front of us, bowing.

Caius narrows his eyes angrily, "What is it?" He snaps.

The guard gulps before speaking in a language I couldn't even try to understand.

Once he is done, all three of them let out long, irritated sighs.

I frown, "What?" I know the news couldn't be good.

"We are needed back in Volterra." Aro answers solemnly.

I sit up on my elbows and frown even larger, "Really? When?"

Aro sighs once more, "Preferably now."

His answer makes my heart sink.

I fully sit up and toss my head back.


AFTER THEY PACK UP their things and bid their goodbyes (which, I tried not to cry during), I watch as their sleek car pulls out of the driveway. Leaving me alone in the dark yard.

I groan and stomp over to the hallow statue, lifting it up and pulling the carton of cigarettes and lighter out.

I pull a stick from its box and place in between my lips, lighting the end with my blue lighter.

Once its lit, and it's smoke floats up into the crisp night sky, I inhale. Feeling the smoke fill my lungs, I relax.

The loneliness has yet to settle in, probably because they are still in the same country as me.

But, I still miss them.

Its odd, feeling so many emotions at once. Good and bad, they swirl inside of me like a tornado, and have been, ever since I met my soulmates.

I exhale and stomp the cigarette out, making my way back into the house.

Once inside, I slowly walk into my bedroom, pushing the door shut as I enter.

The pull on my heart is slowly starting to appear. I'm guessing it's because they are on the plane now, leaving the state.

I fall back onto my bed, grabbing the crest that rests on my chest.

I traced the cool pendant with my index finger, my eyes stick to the white, dull ceiling of my bedroom.

I heavily sigh and grab my blanket, throwing it over myself lazily.

My heavy eyes eventually shut and my mind calms down, drifting me into a deep slumber.


THE NEXT DAY at school, Sarah points out my gloominess. Telling me how look like I've on the verge of a breakdown all day.

She asks me if my boyfriend left, in which I nod in response.

"Do you know when you'll see him again?" She asks before taking a bite of school pizza.

I scrunch my face up at the greasy food and nod, "I'm visiting for the summer."

Her eyes pop open, "Really? Can I come?"

I snort, "I don't think so." Not only would we annoy each other, it would be a bad idea to bring her into a castle full of vampires. I shudder at the thought.

She frowns playfully and sighs, "Okay." Then she smiles, "Is he coming to graduation?"

I really don't know if they are or not, I'm guessing they are, though. "I think so." I answer, slightly unsure.

She squeals and claps her hands together, "I can't wait to meet him!" She exclaims loudly, earning some looks from the tables next to us.

"I'll have to warn him." I say while standing up from the table.

She gasps and follows behind me, "Wow."

I chuckle at her, giving her a wave goodbye, heading for my next class of the day.


i was kinda rushing to get a chapter out so my bad if this is sloppy.

𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐃, 𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬.Where stories live. Discover now