Chapter 20

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"you want to wear what?" Phil questioned

"A dress" tommy answered

"A dress is fine but why one of mom's if I may ask" techno chimed in

"It was Sally's idea but I think I would like to wear of mom's dresses as I don't remember her I only have ever see her in pictures and read the note she left me" tommy explained

"Toms" phil started "are you one hundred percent sure you want to wear one of her dresses"

Tommy nodded

"Ok I just needed to know cus we could easily go down to town and buy a dress for you" phill added while standing up

"So where's the dress closet?" Sally asked

"Uh it's by my bedroom I'll show you to it" Phil added walking out the room

Once they arrived at the dress closet door Phil opened it

The walls were lined with different colored dresses

They were in rainbow order it was beautiful

"You really would look nice in most of these dresses" Phil smiled

"Uh Phil I did just realize something" tommy said

"What's that" phil asked walking in the room with Wilbur and techno following in behind

"I know nothing about dresses" tommy said

"That's fine I can help you choose the dress but remember Sally and Wilbur are in charge of the color" phil stated "assuming your being the maid of honor?"

Tommy nodded

"You boys are normally color coded so you can pick red if you'd like since technos wear the blood red suit" Sally chimed in "but if you want to semi match my wedding dress then a cream color would work, or a light yellow"

They walked over to were the yellow and cream dresses were

Techno Wilbur and Phil just browsed

"This one's pretty" Sally said holding up a light yellow colored dress with flower
accents on it

"It is pretty" tommy stated "but so is this"

Tommy held up a darker yellow more golden dress with a bow to tie around and a folder choker attached to the dress

"Let make a pile of dresses tk try on yeah?" Sally suggested

After about a half hour of finding dresses they found a total of fifteen they both liked

There was two gold drsses

Three red ones

Five cream dresses

Five yellow/light yellow ones

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