Chapter 21

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I'm the next few weeks the final details for the wedding were complete

They wedding invitations were sent out

Not a public wedding invitations only

Sally's dress came in

Tommy's dress was slightly altered a tad bit to fit him

And now it was the day of the wedding

There was only a few guests invited like the pride kingdom, smiley kingdom, tubbo,

That's it

The got one of the maid or butlers children to be the flower girl and another to be the ring barer it was adorable

The ceremony started and techno and tommy walked in together

Techno went to stand by Wilbur and tommy just off to the side where Sally would stand

Techno had a braid in his hair that tommy had done and tommy didn't do his hair

Then the flower girl started walking in throwing flower at people and giggling

After the flower girl sat down the bride started her way in

Everyone stood

Phil walked Sally down the isle as her father had passed away

Before she knew it she was standing beside tommy

(Pretend I know what I'm doing at this part of this whole chapter yeah?)

"Wilbur do you take this lady to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The wedding person asked

"I do" he answered

The person nodded and looked to Sally

"And Sally do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" He asked

"I do" Sally answered

"You may now kiss the bride" the man smiled before stepping back

The two kissed and the guests cheered

After the kiss Sally realized something and rushed back to the dressing room

Tommy followed being the person he was

Both Sally and tommy were wearing heels and running down the halls

Wilbur, techno, and Phil started to follow not in heels

They were catching up but Sally and tommy turned the corner into the dressing room Sally used and locked the door behind them

Sally started to cry

"Sally don't cry" tommy smiled

"Yeah but.... We married and we'll be happy and eventually we will have kid and god I love that man" she smiled back

"I knew that's why you ran!" Tommy shouted

Sally chuckled

"Now the man you love is right behind the door" tommy started "go give him a hug he looked worried"

"Alright" Sally nodded wiping the tears (of joy) away

"Before you go" tommy said "can I have a hug"

"Ofc course toms" she laughed give the boy a hug

Then tommy opened the door of the dressing room following Sally out of it

Outside was the techno, Wilbur, and Phil

"Soooo" Sally started

"Yeah" Wilbur cut in "it happened"

"Promise" she questioned

"Of course Sally they saw it happened" Wilbur chuckled gesturing to the other three

"I can vouch for that" tommy chimed in

"Same" techno added

"You guys are married" Phil smiled

A few moments later they walked back to the garden where the wedding took place

Tommy ran over to tubbo and ranboo and gave them a hug

"I missed you guys" tommy said

"We missed you to big man" tubbo smiled "you look great in the dress by the way"

"You think so?" Tommy asked spinning in a circle

"You look amazing" ranboo chimed in

Tommy couldn't help but smile I mean if anyone would know it would be ranboo both his siblings wear dresses

They talked for a bit before a worried looking Phil walked over with a gaurd

"Hey Tom's turns out we have a visitor from a neighboring kingdom here" Phil stated

"What do you mean we have muttible kingdoms here" tommy added

"Well you see it seem they want to speak to you" Phil explained

End of chapter


Did you guys like the wedding I think the dress Sally had was very pretty

Also! Eret he wasn't rly in the chapter but they wore a grey dress

They looked amazing in it and you know it

Word count 663

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