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hi im y/n a little info of me I have a boyfriend his name is keith pittman a famous and rich alpha while im a omega im abit of a selfish brat I only care about myself but keith doesn't seem to mind he's been my boyfriend for a little over a year to be honest I get bored of him sometimes but its fine we have fights here and there and its always my fault so I apologise but I do it again and again haha

keith; hey babe what are you doing?

he came over and hugged me while I was sitting on the bed

y/n; ugh go away its hot

keith; oh sorry

he let go I could see he was hurt but honestly I could care less

keith; do you want anything to eat ill tell Charles

y/n; no I dont hand me my cig

keith; oh okay

he took my pack from the table and handed it to me I walked over to the balcony and took a stick out

y/n; do you have a light?

I waited but no answer I turn around and he wasn't there

y/n; gosh good for nothing *mumble*

I walked to the bedside table and took out a light I stared at the light for awhile it reminded me of when I first met keith I wasn't like this keith had been chasing me for about 3 years we met 3 years ago before I got my heart broken by a good for nothing guy then I had been going around screwing guys but I got closer to keith he treated me nice so I agreed to date him but I didn't expect him to handle me for this long he got me this light as a present when we celebrated my birthday together with him for the first time the light was specially made for me covered in pure black iron with patterns and a engrave with my initals with diamond I laughed and walked back to the balcony

to be very honest I felt bad for keith if only he met me before I dated that good for nothing guy then I would have treated him different but life is unfair so too bad I was smoking when I heard the bathroom door open keith came out in a robe I was only sweet to him when im horny or I need something

I smirked at him and put out my cig and walked towards him

y/n; heyyy

keith; yes? you horny?

y/n; you know me too well

keith; not today im tired

y/n; ugh whatever

I scoffed and walked away back to the balcony and was ready to light up another cig but I felt a pair of arms on my waist

keith; im sorry ok im not feeling well

y/n; then why still hug me you want me to get sick too?

he let go and sighed and went back to the bed honestly sometimes I feel really bad for treating him like this he treats me so well I feel bad but I promise myself I wont let a guy control me anymore I put the cig out and went out of the bedroom

y/n; Charles?

Charles; yes ma'am?

y/n; prepare me a bottle of liquor ready at the pool please

Charles; will do ma'am you want me to prepare towels too?

y/n; yes thank you

he smiled and bowed and left I went to the pool and saw that Charles already put the towel and liquor there with my drinking cup also bought by keith a handmade cup for drinking it had a unique pattern on it I took off my robe and went into the pool I sighed stood in the pool for awhile before coming out and pouring myself a cup of alcohol I sat beside the pool when I heard footsteps I look up and saw keith

y/n; what are you doing?

he came and sat beside me and hugged me

y/n; what the?

keith; can I ask you something

y/n; what

keith; do you even like me just a bit?

I was taken aback by his question

y/n; of course I do

keith; but why do you act like you hate me

I could hear how sad he was from his voice

y/n; I dont keith you know what

I said and lifted his face up and kissed him sometimes when he acts like this I cant help but fall for him but its just I cant show any source of weakness he let go and stared at my eyes

keith; I really hope you dont because I love you too much

I smiled softly at him im a bitch because times like this i love him so much then after awhile i become that selfish bratty girl again

y/n; come lets go swimming

i held his hand wanted him to go down with me but instead he carried me up in his arm and hoped into the pool i hugged him tightly since i was scared there was a splash and water went into my nose

y/n; why did you do that!

keith; are you okay?

i just looked away from him with my legs still wrapped around his waist and his hands carrying me

keith; come on dont be angry babe

i still looked away but he kissed me on the cheek he used one hand to turn my face towards his and sealed his lips with mine i cant help but kiss back he's a good kisser ok then i let go

y/n; dont do that ever again

keith; kissing you? im sorry i cant survive without your kisses

he said and chuckled this types of memories make me wonder should i just let down my wall and show him how much i love him i mean he's really been treating me so well anybody treating you like this you cant help but fall for them

I'm Sorry k.pittman Where stories live. Discover now